WELCOME PARTICIPATION STATS (10-11) : % of school population (57% ) Total Fall athletes: 285 (35%) Total Winter athletes: 147 (18%) Total Spring athletes: 324 (39%) Total unique athletes (10-11): 465 (57%)
Special Thanks to our Athletic Booster Club Retiring Co-Presidents: Marguerite Adamski & Lori Plocharczyk Retiring Co-Vice Presidents: Melinda Forella & Kathy Minniti Secretary: Karen Mudgett Treasurer: Kim Larkin
The Booster Club Needs Your Help President: Karen Mudgett (anticipated) Vice President: OPEN Secretary: OPEN Treasurer: Kim Larkin (anticipated)
4 th Annual Golf/Dinner Dance Hope you can join us! Please visit the Booster Club link off the Athletic Department Website for more info
Did you sign in? All parents and student-athletes are asked to sign in on the sheets in the auditorium lobby. The sheets are alphabetical.
Reminder about New Format To make better use of our time, we will only run one large presentation each year for all 3 seasons in the fall. In the winter and spring, a shorter group meetings, followed by individual team meetings will take place Your attendance is very much appreciated!
New Format cont. Beginning in the Fall of 2010 – attendance at these meetings will be required for parents. Student- athletes will not be allowed to participate unless the parent/guardian attends with their child. If a parent is unable to attend, they must view materials from the meeting online and sign off that they met this alternate requirement. Next Falls meeting will be held on August 30 at 7:00
New Format cont. Parents of Spring Athletes who did not attend the fall meeting are asked view the materials on-line and sign off on the form provided this evening. This form should be returned to the Athletic Department at LSM.
New Format cont. Notifications (summer mailings), announcements, invitations will be distributed electronically through . It is important that parents provide a valid address through info-snap.
Out-Of-Season Conditioning POLICY UPDATE: Permissible as along as: –Coach run –Optional –Sport specific equipment is not used –Player and parent sign off on permission form Available on the website (Athletic Resources/Forms for Parents)
Follow us on Twitter Follow Lewis Mills Athletics on Twitter LSMAthletics Game updates, announcements and more
Student-Athlete Handbook All rules, policies, forms and the Student- Athlete Handbook may be found on our Wedsite at: Another Way to Stay Connected: CIAC Sports.com Information is on the handout
Student-Athlete Handbook cont. Student-Athlete Handbooks are distributed electronically. Parents/Students will still be required to sign and return the policy agreement and the emergency medical contact form. In the event that a family cannot view the handbook on-line, there will be printed copies available.
About our Program We offer 24 sports with 40 total teams to approximately 57% of our student body 50% of the athletes play two or more sports; 15% play 3 sports This past fall and winter 42% of our athletes make the honor roll each quarter compared to about 33% of the general student body Although some sports do have to cut, many programs do not
Eligibility 8 Semester Rule: goal is for student to graduate in 4 years Students have 8 consecutive semesters (4 years) starting when they begin 9 th grade Repeating a grade due to poor academic performance does not allow a 5 th year An appeals process does exist for special circumstances
Eligibility cont 9 th graders automatically eligible 1 st Quarter Eligibility: Student must have earned 4 units of credit towards graduation last year 2 nd -4 th Quarters: Must have passed 4 classes in previous quarter (not including Wellness) Next report card date is April 7
Attendance/Eligibility Policy To be eligible for practice or competition, student- athletes must be in attendance for at least 4 hours of school. Administrative exceptions may be made for exceptional circumstances generally related to other academic commitments, college visits, special family circumstances or physician visits. Exceptions must be requested in advance or as soon as possible in the case of an emergency
Athletics and Academics LSM Graduates (4 years of data)
Athletics and Academics For More info, visit our website & select: Athletic Resources/Academic Intervention Program
Academic Comparisons: Participation Level Graduate GPA All Students (current) 3 Sport Athletes Sport Athletes Sport Athletes Non-Athletes
Academic Intervention Program (AIP) 2 Levels: Academic Probation: GPA from Weekly reporting sheet to the coach Must attend 2 homework clubs per week Academic Modification: GPA below 1.5 Weekly reporting sheet to the coach Must attend 3 homework clubs per week
AIP cont Program is built on premise of increasing student awareness and responsibility Punitive component only kicks in if student fails to attend homework club or return weekly reporting sheet to coach each Friday Penalty: Athlete suspended from play immediately on Friday until the missing materials are completed and turned in to coach
Concussion Legislation SENATE BILL 456 – CONCUSSIONS Legislation is in place All Lewis Mills coaches are certified The Berkshire League continues to offer this training to all League coaches (HS & MS) free of charge.
Impact Testing Any student athlete who has not taken their baseline test, please see the trainer this week to set up a time to complete this test. You will not be allowed to play in your first game unless you have this done.
Impact Testing Date – Fall 2011 Testing for all incoming 9 th graders and returning juniors playing a contact sport: Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Field Hockey, Cheerleading, Lacrosse, Football, Track (pole vault), Diving, Softball, Volleyball Monday August 22 from 9-12 (last test begins at 11:15)
Youth Coach Concussion Information Night Offered April 12 from 6-8:00 at LSM Free to any youth coach or parent to attend Detailed program specifically for coaches – much different than what is presented at the fall parent-athlete meeting
Playing Time Varsity Level: playing time is not guaranteed and is based on the coaches decision JV: All athletes in good standing should participate in all JV contests
Playing on an Outside Team When can a high school athlete practice or play with an outside team without being in violation of CIAC rules? This includes participating in a camp, student clinic, tryout, showcase or auditioning for a college or professional team.
Outside Competition cont Before the first regular season contest When the CIAC season officially ends (State Championship for that sport) Also, when the season ends for a team that did not qualify for the tournament or for an athlete whose name does not appear on the tournament roster.
Exceptions: In the individual sports of golf, swimming, tennis, indoor track and outdoor track, exceptions that allow the athlete to participate “unattached” do exist. Refer to 4.6.J in the CIAC Handbook for the complete definition. Please contact the athletic office with any specific questions.
Chemical Health Policy Key Language: Student-Athletes may not use or be in the presence of those using any illegal/non-prescription drug (including steroids), alcohol or other substance identified in this policy. 1st Offense: Minimum 2 game suspension 2nd Offense: Suspension for the remainder of the season.
Transportation Questions We will provide bus transportation to team competition sites - Students are expected to use this transportation whenever it is available Exceptions:
Exceptions to Travel Policy All exceptions require Administrative Approval and a signed Transportation Agreement. These include: –A student-athlete driving themselves or traveling with another parent/adult to and/or from an off-campus event Under no-circumstances will a student-athlete be allowed to transport a non-related student-athlete to or from off-campus practice or game facilities after school
Hazing/Bullying Policy This type of behavior will not be tolerated on any Lewis Mills team. Board of Education Policy will be followed. Please contact the athletic office with any questions or concerns.
Lockers and Valuables All athletes in season should have be issued a lock & locker in the locker room. These should be used to lock up valuables at all- times when practice or games are in process. Students are asked to see their Wellness Teacher if they have not been issued one or are having any difficulties with its use.
Chain of Command Help us be proactive and encourage all conflicts and questions to be handled at the lowest possible level… between the student-athlete and the coach - it may not be easy, but empowering students to use their voice first is a very important goal. If this does not resolve the concern, the parent should speak directly to the coach. If this is not sufficient, please contact the Coordinator of Athletics and then the Principal and finally the Superintendent.
Emphasis on Sportsmanship Respect opponents, coaches, opponents, teammates and fans Play with Class Winning with Grace Losing with Dignity Striving to Win!
Questions on the Student-Athlete Handbook ???
Resources Parenting the Student-Athlete video CIAC Sports.com: Concussion information on our website under Athletic Trainer Youth Coach Concussion event on April 12 from 6-8:00
What’s the One Thing We Make Every Day? Memories Parents, Coaches, Teachers, Administrators and Students are all trying to make the best memories they can every day! Let’s make our athletic memories the best they can be!
Breakout Locations: Baseball: Band Room Softball: Room 130 Boys Volleyball: Chorus Room Crew: Auditorium Golf: Mr. Pelchars Room (204) Boys Lacrosse: Boys Gym Girls Lacrosse: Girls Gym Boys Track: Mills CafGirls Track: Har-Bur Caf Boys Tennis: Room 124Girls Tennis: Room 125