JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Californias Early Learning Quality Improvement System Advisory Committee Operating Principles and Process draft for discussion and action June 10, 2009
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Purpose Improve outcomes for young children and reduce Californias school readiness gap by improving the quality of our early learning and care programs. 2
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Californias Early Learning Quality Improvement System Intended for all young children including English learners and children with disabilities and other special needs. 3
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Californias Early Learning Quality Improvement System (CAEL QIS) Advisory Committee Discuss and agree to move forward with: Operating principles for Advisory Committee meetings Process for Advisory Committee meetings Process for Subcommittee meetings, schedules, and reporting to Advisory Committee 4
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Action area: Review and approve 2009 Advisory Committee operating principles 5
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Advisory Committee Possible Operating Principles Commit to candid discussions and consideration of diverse ideas in an atmosphere of mutual respect Explore research, policy, and implementation options for California; make decisions; and re-visit when necessary Know who will be there by committing to attend scheduled meetings Voting is reserved for Advisory Committee members or official designees Make decisions with data and evidence-based practice Strive for consensus, and use majority vote with dissenting views represented in documents when needed Use and update the operating principles as needed Others? 6
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Anatole France
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Action area: Review, discuss, and approve Advisory Committee process 8
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Advisory Committee Meetings At least four Advisory Committee meetings will be held each year for two years. The meeting venue will be easily accessible from downtown Sacramento and will be connected via videoconference to four regional locations quarterly meeting dates are: March 23, June 10, August 26, October 29, and December 2 (half day) 2010 quarterly meeting dates are tentatively scheduled for: March, May, August, and November.
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Advisory Committee Meetings … continued Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public. Broad outreach is encouraged. Bagley-Keene open meeting requirements will be met. For each Advisory Committee meeting, there will be approximately four regional locations at a County Office of Education or other public education entities that represent the north, central, south, and Bay Area counties. The central Advisory Committee meeting and regional meeting locations will be connected via videoconference so that all participants can join the discussion through periodic public comment periods.
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Advisory Committee Agenda Will this work as a General Format? Each meeting: Focused topic Reports from pertinent Subcommittees Research updates Input from regional sites and public comment Project, resource, and partnership presentations pertinent to topic Review scope of work and revise as needed
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on CAEL QIS Webpage – CDE sb1629committee.asp sb1629committee.asp To include: Co-Chairs Welcome Enabling Legislation FAQs Committee Members List with Bios and Photos Committee and Subcommittee Meeting Dates, Locations, Agendas and Materials Press Releases Links to video of meetings and other resources Public comment capability
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Action area: Review, discuss, and approve Subcommittee structure and process
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Purpose of Subcommittees Subcommittees are included in the enabling legislation (SB ). They are intended to be a major strategy for public input and vetting of early learning quality improvement system options. Broad outreach is encouraged.
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Proposed Subcommittees Design ideas for licensing, quality rating, and improvement systems Professional development and quality incentives Engagement and outreach for families, programs, and public Finance and incentives, including funding model Data systems for program improvement and research
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Advisory Committee Member Subcommittee Interest Areas Design ideas for licensing, quality rating, and improvement systems: Dennis Vicars and Consuelo Espinosa Professional development and quality incentives: Dave Gordon and Glen Thomas Engagement and outreach for families, programs, and public: Celia Ayala and Yolie Flores Aguilar Finance and incentives, including funding model: Cliff Marcussen and Venus Garth Data systems for program improvement and research: Kris Perry and Joan Buchanan
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Subcommittees Advisory Committee will receive Subcommittee recommendations and issues for consideration and discussion; not as a requirement for approval. Subcommittee agendas will be based on requests by Advisory Committee and will be developed by staff. Subcommittees will begin with discussion of attributes. Designated Advisory Committee members will be the liaisons to the Subcommittees. All Advisory Committee members will be notified of all Subcommittee meetings.
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Subcommittees … continued Subcommittees are open to all interested participants who are responsible for accessing available information from previous meetings. CDE will provide staff for Subcommittees. Subcommittees will meet 1-2 times between Advisory Committee meetings. Subcommittees will distill information by: clarifying the issue; outlining possible alternatives including pros/cons, timeline, and funding; and presenting likely results of each alternative.
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on Subcommittees … continued Subcommittee meetings and materials will be posted on the CDE – CAEL QIS website. To the extent possible, the Subcommittee meetings will be available through video conference, other web-based process, and conference calls. Initial plans to connect with Water Cooler Workforce Development and Quality Rating and Improvement Work Groups. Currently asking Chairpersons and participants how they would like to work with CAEL QIS Advisory Committee.
JACK OCONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Draft for Advisory Committee discussion on CAs Early Learning Quality Improvement System Advisory Committee Other ideas and ingredients for success? 20