 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Steve Ebert Meredith Gernerd.


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Presentation transcript:

 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Steve Ebert Meredith Gernerd

How Much Do You know About bullying? Take the Quiz

Olweus Overview  Researched based program created by Dr. Dan Olweus designed to reduce bullying in schools and make schools a safer, more positive place where students can learn.  Preventative and responsive program designed for all students  Focused on restructuring the school setting through systematic efforts implemented over time

Program Components School Classroom Individual Community

Definition of Bullying  Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or harmful things to another person who has a hard time defending him or herself.  Bullying Behaviors: Name-calling, teasing, leaving others out, cyber bullying, physical bullying, excluding, taking others things, threats, intimidation

Olweus Bullying Questionnaire  Location of hotspots  Patterns for girls and boys  Insights into school climate  Information to assess supervision  Adult and student attitudes about bullying  Impact of bullying on students

School Wide Components ① Forming of BPCC (Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee) ② Olweus Bullying Questionnaire for students - Looks at trends from report ③ Trainings: BPCC, Staff, Support staff, bus drivers, lunch aides, recess aides, etc. ④ Kick off Day ⑤ School wide rules (Posted and enforced) ⑥ Refine school’s supervisory system (make sure hot spots are being monitored) ⑦ Classroom Lessons

Our Schools Anti Bullying Rules 1. We will not bully others. 2. We will try to help students who are bullied. 3. We will try to include students who are left out. 4. If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.

Think About It…. Name: ________________ Describe your actions that led up to the situation. Tell us about your thoughts and feelings that lead to your actions. If this situation happens again, explain to use how you are going to handle it differently. Student Signature Teacher Signature

Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee

 WMS Anti-Bullying Program Why are we doing this? Why are we canceling all classes today (Kickoff Day) to address bullying???

Students are being bullied!  953 participated in the survey, October  106 students report being bullied several times weekly. 106 students is equivalent to each below: 4 full classes of students, almost 3 full buses, 2 football teams, more than 10 basketball teams, 2 middle school bands, and about the whole 5 th grade at Shady Grove!

 50 students actually admitted to verbally bullying others intending to cause harm, several times monthly.  17 students admitted that they regularly bully others physically, several times monthly.  265 students (171girls, 94 boys) FEAR coming to school on any given day because of bullying.

What are YOU doing to help?  Of the 953 students who participated in the survey, 833 said they feel sorry and want to help when they see someone being bullied… …however ONLY 26 students reported that they’ve seen students regularly try to stop bullying, or help in another way.

Attitudes About Bullying  111 students reported that they “don’t feel much” or that the victim “probably deserves it”  295 students reported that they would, might, or are not sure, when asked if they would join the bullying of a student they did not like.

What would change if we shut the bullies down?  Attendance rates would improve  All students could learn  Students would not fear WMS  Pain, suffering, sadness, and discipline would decrease  We could embrace, befriend, and learn from “different” people!  More? What do you think?

We All Own This, Let Today Set the Stage! The Kick-Off Day, Today, September 23rd: *Two powerful assemblies *Conversations about bullying at WMS *“What/Who is Olweus???” *Small groups (fun) activities *Formal commitment/pledge to make WMS safer! LETS GET TO WORK! YOU BE THE DIFFERENCE, START NOW!

Bullying Circle

Class Meetings  Middle School link for Class Lessons 

Reporting Bullying I saw bullying behavior when _______ was _____________. Bullying Behaviors: Teasing, name calling, excluding, threats, taking someone's things, intimidation, cyber bullying, physical bullying

On the Spot Intervention  Step 1: “Stop”  Step 2: “__________ are you ok?”  Step 3: Speak and name the behavior to the bully.  Step 4: The bullied person can be sent back to class and told we will follow up shortly.  Step 5: Communicate to the bully that you will speak to them shortly.

School Wide Consequences ViolationConsequence Violation 1Student will complete a “Think About It” form, which is processed with the teacher handling the situation Violation 2Student will participate in service to the school Violation 3Parent/Guardian contact is made through a phone call

Classroom Components  Rules and definition posted in classroom  Discussions on the difference between bullying, rough and tumble play, good natured teasing etc.  Role playing on how to handle bullying situations  Classroom Meeting- Assigned day, time, topic

Other Components… Individual Components  Keep the momentum going after KO day  Annual survey to see how your school is doing  Annual KO day  Ongoing committees and plans Parent/Community  Parent Speaker – night before KO day  ‘Guiding Good Choices’ program - handout

How is it going? Elementary Level Middle School Question and Answer