Computer Security, Ethics and Privacy Chapter 11
Computer Security Risk Computer Crime Computer Crime CyberCrime CyberCrime Hacker Hacker Cracker Cracker Script Kiddie Script Kiddie Cyberextortionist Cyberextortionist Cyberterrist Cyberterrist
Internet Attacks Computer viruses Computer viruses Computer program that affects the way a computer works without permission or knowledge of the owner Computer program that affects the way a computer works without permission or knowledge of the owner Can damage files and system software Can damage files and system software Computer worms Computer worms Copies itself repeatedly, causing a network to clog and go down Copies itself repeatedly, causing a network to clog and go down Trojan Horses Trojan Horses Hides within a legitimate program Hides within a legitimate program Condition or action triggers the Trojan horse Condition or action triggers the Trojan horse Does not replicate itself Does not replicate itself
How Should Virus Authors Be Punished?????
How long is an Unprotected Computer safe from Intruders? A – 10 minutes A – 10 minutes B – 20 minutes B – 20 minutes C – 30 minutes C – 30 minutes D – 5 minutes D – 5 minutes
How to Safeguard Yourself Only use trusted sources Only use trusted sources Use Anti-Virus programs Use Anti-Virus programs McAfee McAfee Norton Norton AVG AVG Kapersky Kapersky Spyware Blocker Spyware Blocker
Virus Terminology Virus Signature Virus Signature Virus Definition Virus Definition Inoculate Inoculate Quarantine Quarantine Virus Hoax Virus Hoax
Denial of Service Attacks Designed to overload a server until it crashes Designed to overload a server until it crashes Examples???? Examples????
Back Doors Bypassing Security systems already in place Bypassing Security systems already in place Usually install a program or modify one to meet their needs Usually install a program or modify one to meet their needs Spoofing – transmission appears to be harmless Spoofing – transmission appears to be harmless
Firewalls Hardware and/or software Hardware and/or software Use controls and passwords Use controls and passwords
Passwords The last word in passwords! The last word in passwords! Check out Chart on page 567 Check out Chart on page 567 PINs PINs Biometric Devices Biometric Devices
Hardware Theft and Vandalism Backup Backup
Software Theft Apple vs Microsoft Apple vs Microsoft
Safeguards Against Software Theft Restricting who can load software Restricting who can load software Use or loose the license agreement Use or loose the license agreement
What NOT to DO! Install the software on a network, such as a school computer lab Install the software on a network, such as a school computer lab Give copies to friends and family while continuing to use the software Give copies to friends and family while continuing to use the software Export the software Export the software Rent or lease the software Rent or lease the software