Noel Levett Chair Diocesan Pastoral Council Welcome
Liturgy of the Word
Will you let me be your servant? Let me be as Christ to you. Pray that I may have the grace to Let you be my servant, too. The Servant Song Ri chard Gillard
We are pilgrims on a journey, We are trav’lers on the road. We are here to help each other Walk the mile and bear the load.
I will hold the Christ-light for you In the night-time of your fear. I will hold my hand out to you, Speak the peace you long to hear.
I will weep when you are weeping. When you laugh I’ll laugh with you. I will share your joy and sorrow ‘Til we’ve seen this journey through. © 1977, Universal Music Group/Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing (ASCAP). All rights reserved. Administered at Used with permission.
Opening Prayer
Luke 6:27-38
Why Jubilee?
Jewish Tradition – 50th Year Christian Adaptation – 14 th Century Ordinary Jubilee Extraordinary Jubilee Why Jubilee?
What does it entail?
Jesus, the face of the Father’s Mercy Mercy living and visible in Jesus of Nazareth Focus on what matters most Our relationships – with God; with each other; with nature What Jubilee of Mercy entails
A year – of Hope – of Justice – of Peace “The Father rich in mercy.” (Eph 2:4) “God, merciful and gracious, slow to anger abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” (Ex 34:6) A Year of Reconciliation
Why Mercy?
Compassionate treatment or attitude to an offender or an enemy (dictionary definition) “Be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful.” (Lk 6:36) Beatitude “Blessed are the merciful.” (Mt 5:7) Why Mercy?
Mercy is always greater than any sin Show the way of mercy Live the way of mercy Pardon clearly expresses merciful love Oases of mercy in barren deserts Mercy = how God deals with us
What does Mercy look like in our Diocese?
Signs of Mercy Parishes Monasteries, Retreat Houses Catholic Schools Catechists CatholicCare St Vincent de Paul Society Caritas Catholic Mission CWLA (Catholic Women’s League) Apostolic Groups – Legion of Mary, Prayer and Service Groups
“May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins …” “Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy.” “You take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.” EP II “Have mercy on us all we pray, that with the BVM ….” EP III “In your compassion O merciful Father, gather to yourself all your children …” Communion Rite : “That by the help of your mercy, we may be always free from sin …” The Mass
Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Shelter the homeless Visit the sick Visit the imprisoned Bury the dead Corporal Works of Mercy
Counsel the doubtful Instruct the ignorant Admonish sinners Comfort the afflicted Forgive offences Bear wrongs patiently Pray for the living and the dead Spiritual Works of Mercy
Practical Points - Opportunities - Key Events - Resources Year of Mercy
Opportunities Creating an Oasis of Mercy – Soup Kitchens and Vinnies Vans – Friendship Gardens and Inter-Faith dialogue – Refugee Sanctuary Movement & Migrant support – Families and Life-giving Relationships – Mercy and Healing in Schools – Faith Formation, Worship and Proclamation
Mercy as a Principle of Engagement – Evangelisation opportunities Clergy, Life & Ministry Focus – Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation Agencies of Engagement – Catholic Care, Catholic Schools, Caritas, Monasteries, Retreat houses, Catholic Mission, Catholic Women’s League & other Apostolates
8 December: Opening of Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica Rome – Advent Program: Feast of Immaculate Conception 13 December: Opening of Holy Doors at St John Lateran Basilica Rome, St Francis Xavier Cathedral Wollongong, and all Cathedrals throughout the world – Advent Program: Third Sunday of Advent Key Events
20 December: Opening of Holy Door of Immaculate Conception Parish, Unanderra – Diocesan Shrine to the Blessed Virgin Mary 20 December: Our Lady of Mercy, Penrose Park – Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy 1 January: Opening of Holy Door of St Mary Major Rome
25 January: Opening of Holy Door at St Paul’s Basilica Rome 10 February: Sending the Missionaries of Mercy – Lenten Program: Ash Wednesday 3-4 March: 24 Hours for the Lord – Lenten Program: Third Week of Lent
5 May: Vigil to Dry Tears July: World Youth Day Krakow 13 November: Closing of the Holy Doors throughout the World 20 November: Closing of the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica Rome – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
19-21 January: Jubilee for those Engaged in Pilgrimage Work 2 February: Jubilee for Consecrated Life and the closing of the Year for Consecrated Life. 22 February: Jubilee for the Roman Curia 3 April: Jubilee for those who are devoted to the spirituality of Divine Mercy. Jubilees in Rome
24 April: Jubilee for young boys and girls (ages 13 – 16) May: Jubilee for deacons – Corpus Christi 3 June: Jubilee for priests – Sacred Heart of Jesus
12 June: Jubilee for those who are ill and for persons with disabilities – 11 th Sunday in Ordinary Time July: Jubilee for young people – 18 th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4 September: Jubilee for workers and volunteers of mercy
25 September: Jubilee for catechists 8-9 October: Marian Jubilee 6 November: Jubilee for prisoners
Year of Mercy Hymn Misericordes Sicut Pater! Year of Mercy Prayer Year of Mercy Logo World Youth Day Song Blest Are the Merciful Advent Program Beloved Lenten Program Mercy Resources
Website Resources – – –
What challenges do the inputs of Bishop Peter Ingham and Paul Mason offer to you individually and to your community? Table Discussion
Morning Tea
When we sing to God in heaven, We shall find such harmony, Born of all we’ve know together Of Christ’s love and agony. The Servant Song Richard Gillard
Will you let me be your servant? Let me be as Christ to you. Pray that I may have the grace to Let you be my servant, too. © 1977, Universal Music Group/Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing (ASCAP). All rights reserved. Administered at Used with permission.
Prayer and Blessing
I lift my eyes to the mountains; from where shall help come to me? My help comes from the Lord, my God, for He is merciful! Blest Are The Merciful Jakub Blycharz
When we are lost, He searches for us, To hold us in His arms, His holy Blood will heal our wounds, To breathe new life into us!
Blest are the merciful; blest are the merciful, for it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy.
Blest are the merciful; blest are the merciful, for it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy.
Unless the Lord for gives when we fall, We wouldn’t be able to stand. But He forgives, He pardons us. Let us do the same.
God paid our debts with the Blood of His Son, Who rose alive from the tomb. The Spirit within cries out to the world: Jesus is the Lord!
Blest are the merciful; blest are the merciful, for it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy.
Blest are the merciful; blest are the merciful, for it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy.
So cast aside your fear and have faith, give your cares to the Lord and trust in Him, for He is risen: the Lord, your God, is alive!
Blest are the merciful; blest are the merciful, for it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy.
Blest are the merciful; blest are the merciful, for it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy.
Blest are the merciful; blest are the merciful, for it is mercy that shall be shown to those who show mercy.