TEST PREP: Must Know Concepts Sociology: The systematic study of human society…
3 Questions Sociologists Ask: What is? How are things connected? Why are they connected in this way?
Social integration: Term to describe being involved in meaningful relationships. Example: the greater one’s social integration, the lesser the risk of suicide
Global Perspective: The study of the larger world and our society’s place in it!
Social Marginality The term describing the state of being an “outsider” – not part of the dominant group. The greater a person’s / people’s social marginality, the better they are to use the sociological perspective.
Theory A statement of how and why specific facts are related.
Theoretical Paradigm A basic image of society that guides thinking and research
Structural-Functional Paradigm A framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability.
Social Structure Any relatively stable pattern of social behavior
Social Function The consequences of any social pattern for the operation of society as a whole.
Social Dysfunction The undesirable consequences of any social pattern for the operation of society. Can be debated/ a matter of perspective: factory owners vs. workers, for example
Manifest Functions The recognized and intended consequences of any social pattern Schooling => educated work force
Latent Functions Consequences that are largely unrecognized and unintended Example: Education: purpose to teach/ learn BUT also a source of child care for working parents!
Social Conflict Paradigm Framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change.
Macro-sociology A concern with broad patterns that shape society as a whole
Micro-sociology A close-up focus on social interaction in specific situations
Symbolic- Interaction Paradigm Framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals.