Theories of Sociology “the brain of it all”
Objectives: At the end of this unit students will be able to: Identify and explain the three major sociological theories as well as all important vocabulary associated with those theories. (social darwinism, function, dysfunctional, manifest function, latent function, symbol) Identify sociology as a social science as well as be able to explain how it applies to as well as is different from other social sciences. Explain what the sociological imagination is as well as its impact our their lives today.
3 Perspectives of Sociology - Conflict Perspective - Functionalist Perspective - Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
Conflict Perspective Focus on the forces in society that promote competition and change View social life as a competing power struggle among competing social groups Karl Marx – groups in society are engaged in a continuous power struggle for control of scarce resources Haves vs. Have nots A few power elite make all the choices….?
Conflict Theory Conflict may occur over differences in values & interests Conflict may range from hostility, tension, competition, and rivalry to outright violence Conflict with outside forces binds group members together Conflict over issues may lead to positive social change
Functionalist Perspective View society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system Survive on consensus – meaning most people agree on what is good for society, and then work together to ensure that the social system runs smoothly. Founders – Comte, Spencer
Structure & Function HUMAN BODY EXAMPLE Normal vs. Abnormal
Applications – What are the functions of….. Types of Functions: Manifest Function – Intended and recognized Latent Function – Unintended & recognized Applications – What are the functions of…..
Interactionist SYMBOLIC Focuses on how individuals interact with one another in Society, and the shared meanings they place on their own actions and the actions of others. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION!! Primary groups are the most impactful (family, peer group, school mates, coworkers) Bottom line – life wouldn’t make sense
Symbols in everyday life Without symbols – there would be no aunts, dads, employers, teachers, or even brothers or sisters. Symbols define what our relationships are. Behavior – different among parents, peers, boyfriend / girlfriend?
Interactionist Perspective contd. Use of Symbols – Physical Objects, gestures, words, and events. Examples?