Consumer Behaviour and the Market Influences on Consumer Choice Value and Origin Food preparation time Convenience Healthy eating Eating Out
Consumer Behaviour and the Market UK consumers’ main choice criteria? Price Buy One Get One Free
What do consumers really care about after price? appearance organic country of origin taste 37% 9% 11% 55% No.2 No.1
Value and Origin
Value & Origin Attitudes to Value IGD 2005 People choose food for different reasons but price, taste and freshness are always important People do not buy on price alone but by value..
What Will Improve Food Shopping for You? Value & Origin
Attitudes to Buying British IGD 2005 Value & Origin
Food Preparation
1960s women spent 100 minutes a day cooking on average. In 2002 how long did they spend? Source: The Future Foundation, minutes 73 minutes 100 minutes 54 minutes
55% of people spend a maximum of half an hour preparing their main meal. Cooking skills are also not being passed on and are not taught in schools so the majority are less able to prepare meals. Time Spent Preparing a Main Meal UK Food Preparation
Methods of Preparing a Main Meal IGD 2004 UK Food Preparation
Convenience is important for consumers both in & out of home Chilled ready meals & takeaways both showing strong growth. Takeaways increased by 5% over last 2 years Heavy consumers of meals out of the home more likely to eat convenience in the home Introduction of new premium ranges e.g. M&S GastroPub, Waitrose, 'As Good as Going out' & Sainsbury's 'Fresh to Cook' - these provide the out of home experience in the home
“Grazing” & Snacking Decline in formal eating occasions Eating little or no breakfast Shorter lunch break (<30 mins) Fewer children eat school meals More packed lunches
“Eat 5-A-Day” Healthy Eating
Most popular fruit? oranges apples grapes bananas
Who eats more fruit & veg portions? womenmen 28% 40%
Total Fruit - Percentage share of volume by category -2.1% +10.2% +13.3% +11.6% +5.4% +7.8% Growth of the total market between 12 th Sept 04 and 11 th Sept 05 = 6.7% Figures on the right show the growth in volume of each category between 12 th Sept 04 and 11 th Sept 05 (Source: TNS 2005)
Top 20 Fruit Type by Volume (Tonnes) (Source: TNS 2005)
Fruit & Vegetables 1.6% fall in fruit & vegetable sales, meaning people ate 3.7 portions a day on average - well short of the "five-a-day" target.
Eating out
Country eating most with take-aways? (% of consumers at least once/week) British Chinese Belgians Americans 14% 41% 3% 35%
No European countries made it into the top 10 global markets for weekly fast food consump- tion
46% of Europeans eat fast food once/month In Europe - the British are the highest consumers of take away meals Source: ACNeilson, 2004