Creating a Quality World Using Glasser’s Needs Theory
Glasser, in his book, The Identity Society, explains that shortly after World War II the newly affluent, television-saturated Western world moved rapidly into a society in which for the first time in recorded history the major concern of most people was no longer survival. Following the war in what he calls an "identity society", almost everyone quickly became much more concerned with the psychological needs, especially belonging, fun and freedom. Throughout history almost all people (with the exception of the few who were very rich or very talented) were willing to accept much more frustration of the power need than they are willing to accept now.
We all have a picture in our head for each need and that picture changes all the time. What is your picture for: Security Acceptance Power Pleasure/freedom
We attempt to satisfy pictures in our heads that represent our needs.
Whenever a need is unsatisfied, we look into our picture album for a picture that comes closest to satisfying the need. “I feel accepted if I look right” What is right?”
I want to be powerful. What is power? If we can’t find a healthy picture, we often move to an unhealthy one. Often that way is destructive and is seen as "troublesome" behavior.
Whatever total behavior we choose, it is always our best attempt to gain effective control of our lives, which means to reduce the difference between what we want at the time and what we see is available in the real world. In this way, all we do, we choose to do.
WE CHOOSE TO DO WHAT IS MOST SATISFYING TO US AT THE TIME. This explains, often, why our best efforts often fail when we try to be rational and get folks to change the way they do things but do not put effort into changing the picture of having their needs met. It is important to understand the need that each person is experiencing.
A good classroom can be defined as a place where almost all students believe that if they do their work, they will be able to satisfy their needs enough so that it makes sense to keep working. In other words, the classroom is in their quality world.
In This Classroom: My need for security is met by: It could be further met by:
In This Classroom: My need for acceptance is met by: It could be further met by:
In This Classroom: My need for power is met by: It could be further met by:
In This Classroom: My need for pleasure/freedom is met by: It could be further met by:
Is this classroom in your quality world? Which needs are met in this classroom? Which needs are met at SFU? How does this classroom “fit” with your constitution? Does it help you to meet your long term goals? How does SFU “fit” with your constitution? Does it help you to meet your long term goals?
Your responsibility What do YOU have to do to help SFU be in your quality world? What have YOU done to make sure this class is in your quality world?