Left Header Right Header ROMANCE: AN ANALYSIS March 29, 2000
Left Header Right Header AGENDA My Relationships Past Present Our Relationship in Detail Evaluation
Left Header Right Header You are an important supplier of various items that I need Source: Internal focus groups Illustrative Example
Left Header Right Header Although The Psycho set back my relationship process, recovery is luckily enough under way Source: Emotional baggage Relationship duration and intensity
Left Header Right Header Since the time that we seriously go out together, you rank highly among existing relationships
Left Header Right Header Although our personal interests are mostly compatible, the greatest gap exists in Sex and Shopping Source: Cosmo Magazine questionnaire
Left Header Right Header Your physical characteristics are strong when compared with your competition (1) Satan requires eternal damnation Source: Individual Hormonal Response Physical characteristics Name EyesHairHeightBodyLegsFace You Sharon Stone The Psycho Earnest Borgnine Your Sister Roseanne Satan (1)
Left Header Right Header The combination of your high physical appearance and personality rank you highly, although your sister is also a top prospect High Low LowHigh Physical Appearance Personality Earnest Borgnine You Supermodels The Psycho Co- Worker Your Sister Wilma Flintstone (1) (1) Wilma Flintstone is a fictional character Likelihood of going out in near future Source: Thin air
Left Header Right Header When people found out that we were going out, their responses have been mixed “ If she want’s him, fine. They deserve each other ” - Ex-girlfriend (The Psycho) “ I didn’t even know they were going out ” - Co- worker “ They make a cute couple ” - Mutual Friend “ I think it’s great. ” - Officemate “ She doesn’t look Jewish” - Female Parent “ It’s impossible to generalize. You gotta understand this is a relationship business.” - Mutual Friend “ It’s impossible to generalize. You gotta understand this is a relationship business.” - Mutual Friend “She’s a babe” - Male friend “I thought he was gay.” - Female Friend Reaction has been positive......But awareness of relationship is low Source: Market interviews; unsolicited opinions
Left Header Right Header The benchmark of relationship lifecycles, suggests that we are on schedule You & Me My Parents Kym & Chris Liz Taylor (Average) First First Meet Official DateKissParentsStatusEngagedMarriageAffairDivorce Time After Initial Meeting 2 Wks4 Wks2 Months3 Months Months7 Months 8 Months - 9 Months 11 Months - 27 Yrs 2 Wks3 Wks 2 Yrs 2 Yrs 8 Yrs 10 Yrs day - Never 11 Wks 12 Wks 14 Wks 15 Wks official Stage of Relationship Repeat On Regular Basis “Liz Loop” Can Undermine Long-Term Success Source: Family reunion; People Magazine
Left Header Right Header In summary we can say that we are on the right track, but we must remain aware of possible roadblocks - Relationship Strong Compatible Engaging Affectionate - Long term prospects strong - Maintain awareness of possible roadblocks SUMMARY
Left Header Right Header THE ANSWER March 29, Seconds After First Set of Slides
Left Header Right Header Unfortunately a huge disconnect exists between my needs and your existing service Source: My heart; no analysis
Left Header Right Header SUMMARY - Relationship Weakening Formal Uncommunicative - Long term prospects dwindling - Roadblocks are here today - Speak in English, not in slides I’M OUTTA HERE !! In summary there is therefore not much left to say, but that I am out of here