SITUACIONES: Greetings Unidad 1A – Español 2 Sólo español
Scenario: You are walking down the hallway going from one class to the next and you see a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Perform the following tasks: Exchange greetings with them Ask each other how you are today Respond according to the situation you’ve been given Trade situations and move to the next person
Student Roles You have just discovered you have forgotten that you have a test in your most difficult class. You are having a better than perfect day. The person you like talked to you and gave you their phone number, you made an A+ on a really tough test and your parents just told you they are buying you the car you wanted. Today isn’t a good day for you. The person you’ve been dating just broke up with you at your locker. You just found out your dog got run over by a moving van. Your mom foolishly texted you the news while you were in class. Your dad just texted you to tell you that your mom was in a car accident. He didn’t have much information, so you don’t know any details about what happened or if your mom is ok. It’s the first day of school and you already have homework, a 5 page essay to write, a test this Thursday and to top it all off, you and your family are moving to a new house on Friday. You woke up today with a fever, stuffy nose, and a sore throat, but your parents sent you to school anyway! There are about 10 minutes left in class and you have to go to your AP History class and give a speech on the French Revolution, but you left your note cards at home. You’ve been really sick and you have just returned to school today. Last night you stayed up until 4am working on a major project that was due 1 st period today.
Student Roles The teacher in your last class just accused you of cheating on a test. After that, your worst enemy saw you in the hall and called you a really bad name. You found out your dad won the $52 million lottery and will not have to share the money with anyone else! Today’s just another day for you. Nothing special is going on. You’ve just gotten through a really tough time in your life recently. You haven’t been getting along with your parents, but it looks like things are getting better and they are starting to understand how jerky they’ve been. Progress reports are in the mail today and you failed all but one of your classes, P.E. You know when you get home your parents are going to KILL you. You are really upset because you and your mom had a HUGE fight in the car before school about the person you are dating, but you don’t like to show your emotions to anyone. Your coach just let you know he is moving you up to varsity and you are starting in the next game. Also, you made the highest grade on a project in your AP English class. Today is the day from you know where! Nothing is going right. It’s so bad that you drop everything you touch and you’ve ripped the seat of your pants. You think the person you’ve been dating is cheating on you and everyone knows it for sure but you. You are coughing severely and can’t breath, but had to come to school because a group project was due this morning.
Student Roles You just found out your favorite teacher is moving to take a new job in the middle of the year. It’s the last week of school and you have exams to take, but your boss is a jerk and won’t let you take any time off to study. It’s a blah day for you. Last night you stayed up on Facebook to talk to a “friend” that you are seriously interested in going out with. Since you just clicked, you talked for hours and totally lost track of time. You didn’t get to bed until almost 5am. Your mom just sent you a text that said she found out that you lied to her about what you did over the weekend and that you are grounded from your car. She also said she’s already picked the car up from school and you have to either walk or ride the bus home. You just got asked out by the hottest boy/girl in the school and it wasn’t a joke! You have to work every night until 11pm only to go home to tons of homework. You just called into a radio station and won 4 free tickets to see your favorite band! Someone ran a red light this morning as you were coming to school. They hit your car and totaled it. Today has been the most boring day of your life. You are a senior and all of your friends graduated last year so you don’t have anyone at school to hang out with.
Whole Class Variation NOTE TO TEACHER: The following slides contain the same situations as on the previous, but only one situation appears on each slide. HOW TO USE: Rather than the cut apart Mix-and-Mingle style, use these slides to quiz the whole class on what response would be best in the given situation.
You woke up today with a fever, stuffy nose, and a sore throat, but your parents sent you to school anyway!
Someone ran a red light this morning as you were coming to school. They hit your car and totaled it.
There are about 10 minutes left in class and you have to go to your AP History class and give a speech on the French Revolution, but you left your note cards at home.
You’ve been really sick and you have just returned to school today.
Last night you stayed up on Facebook to talk to a “friend” that you are seriously interested in going out with. Since you just clicked, you talked for hours and totally lost track of time. You didn’t get to bed until almost 5am.
Last night you stayed up until 4am working on a major project that was due 1 st period today.
Today has been the most boring day of your life. You are a senior and all of your friends graduated last year so you don’t have anyone at school to hang out with.
You have just discovered you have forgotten that you have a test in your most difficult class.
You are having a better than perfect day. The person you like talked to you and gave you their phone number, you made an A+ on a really tough test and your parents just told you they are buying you the car you wanted.
Today’s just another day for you. Nothing special is going on.
Today isn’t a good day for you. The person you’ve been dating just broke up with you at your locker.
You just found out your dog got run over by a moving van. Your mom foolishly texted you the news while you were in class.
Your dad just texted you to tell you that your mom was in a car accident. He didn’t have much information, so you don’t know any details about what happened or if your mom is ok.
The teacher in your last class just accused you of cheating on a test. After that, your worst enemy saw you in the hall and called you a really bad name.
It’s the last week of school and you have exams to take, but your boss is a jerk and won’t let you take any time off to study.
It’s the first day of school and you already have homework, a 5 page essay to write, a test this Thursday and to top it all off, you and your family are moving to a new house on Friday.
You found out your dad won the $52 million lottery and will not have to share the money with anyone else!
You’ve just gotten through a really tough time in your life recently. You haven’t been getting along with your parents, but it looks like things are getting better and they are starting to understand how jerky they’ve been.
Progress reports are in the mail today and you failed all but one of your classes, P.E. You know when you get home your parents are going to KILL you.
You are really upset because you and your mom had a HUGE fight in the car before school about the person you are dating, but you don’t like to show your emotions to anyone.
Your coach just let you know he is moving you up to varsity and you are starting in the next game. Also, you made the highest grade on a project in your AP English class.
Today is the day from you know where! Nothing is going right. It’s so bad that you drop everything you touch and you’ve ripped the seat of your pants.
You think the person you’ve been dating is cheating on you and everyone knows it for sure but you.
You are coughing severely and can’t breath, but had to come to school because a group project was due this morning.
You just got asked out by the hottest boy/girl in the school and it wasn’t a joke!
You have to work every night until 11pm only to go home to tons of homework.
You just called into a radio station and won 4 free tickets to see your favorite band!
You just found out your favorite teacher is moving to take a new job in the middle of the year.
It’s a blah day for you.
Your mom just sent you a text that said she found out that you lied to her about what you did over the weekend and that you are grounded from your car. She also said she’s already picked the car up from school and you have to either walk or ride the bus home.