1. Goal setting is one of the most powerful techniques that you can use to help you accomplish what you really want in your life. The problem is that.


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Presentation transcript:


Goal setting is one of the most powerful techniques that you can use to help you accomplish what you really want in your life. The problem is that most people still fail to create the life they want even with the help of goal setting. Why? 2

3 The answer might be they don’t know how goal setting really works. You see, by simply writing down what you want to have in your life on a piece of paper is not the magic step that will help you make it come true. However, this is exactly what most people do. They write down what they want on a piece of paper, and “hope” that their goals will come true. This is just not going to work.

It is not that goal setting does not work, it is you that do not make it work for you 4 You have to work the principles. It is just like anyone can read a book that shows him how to be rich, but not everyone will be rich. You can have all the knowledge you want, but you won’t be rich if you don’t practice the principles. And today I’m going to share with you the 3 ultimate secrets how you can achieve your goals the guaranteed way.

What you have to do is to follow through each of these 3 principles that I’m going to share with you. If you do, the day that you achieved your goals will be near… 5

1. Practice The Rule Of Five Jack Canfield suggest that if you want to make your goals come true, you can practice the rule of five. What he means is that you have to take five action steps that will move you toward your goals each and everyday. Seriously, if you follow this rule, you definitely will achieve your goals in the future. If you think that 5 action steps are too much for you, you can always lower the number. You can make it to 3 instead of 5 action steps. The key here is to take consistent action everyday so that you will achieve what you really want in your life. 6

2. Condition Your Goals Into Your Subconscious Do you know why goal setting works? It works because it helps to condition what you want to accomplish into your subconscious mind. Whenever you write down your goals, you strengthen the neuro connection in your mind. You are telling yourself that your goals are something important to you and you must achieve them. Goal setting helps you to stay focused in what you want because it conditioned your mind to do so. Think about it, if you keep on thinking about your goals, do you think you will take more action to make it come true? Of course you will. 7

And this is exactly what goal setting do to you. And this is exactly what you need to do if you want to achieve your goals easily. There are a few methods that you can use to help you condition your goals into your subconscious. For example, visualization, a vision board, reviewing your goals, affirmation, and more. 8

3. Starting With One Small Step Yes, if you want to achieve your goals, you must start from one small step. Many people fail to achieve their goals because they set their goals too high in the beginning. Think about it, do you think you can make $10,000 in the next 3 months? I’m not saying that you should not set big goals. In fact, you need to set big goals. It is just that you will have to start small in the beginning. If you start small and achieve your goals in the beginning, what do you think is going to happen? Do you think you will feel more confident and ready to set larger goals? You know the answer. 9

10 Who is your support?

On the other hand, if you set your goals too high in the beginning and you fail to achieve them, what do you think will happen to you? You will condition to yourself that goal setting does not work! This is why it is so important to set smaller goals in the beginning. If you set small goals and achieve them all, you will condition yourself with positive thoughts such as you’re great, you’re capable of doing it, you have all the potential and you will be more confident with yourself. So these are the 3 ultimate secrets to achieving your goals in your life. As long as you follow through these 3 principles above, you will never go wrong. 11