Health & Physical Education Software/Equipment By Dan Gormley
To promote healthy life choices & physical activity to all students, in and out of the school building! Goals
Why Have Software for P.E.? To provide up to date workouts to keep the students’ interest To give a visual to students on an ideal goal To monitor students production/progression To see what activities are providing productive results To broaden the curriculum with a variety of exercises
Why Invest in New Equipment? To broaden the Physical Education curriculum with more exercises Help promote a healthy, active lifestyle for the students Give the gymnasium facility an attractive, new look Give the students that extra motivation to utilize the equipment to the fullest!
BioEX: Exercise Expert Accessible with Laptop/Projector Provides over 551 exercises with written/picture instructions /Printed exercises available Includes Target Heart Rate for all cardio exercises Saved individualized data for each student $89.95
EKHO Heart Rate Monitor Voted “Most Comfortable” by Prevention Magazine Five Year Guaranteed Warrantee Calorie measuring feature allows individual assessment of students’ activity levels via calories burned Personal Student Activity Log allows students to track their progress over time $1, Classroom Pack
POWEROPE Builds strength, speed, and stamina Padded swivel handles for safety 1lb basic leveled rope-higher level of success Perfect for cardio/aerobic exercises $29.95
Peak Fit System Provides eight different workouts to broaden the curriculum Basic introduction for higher level of success Accessible with laptop/projector Covers all of the fitness components $89.95
Resistance Bands Sturdy and comfortable with padded grips Perfect for toning muscle Used for a variety of muscle building/aerobic exercises Available in different levels of resistance $12.95