PHY 232: Electricity, Magnetism and Physical Optics Physics for Scientist and Engineers, 8th ed., Serway and Jewett Professor: Dr. Renee Fatemi Office Hours: Wednesday 2-3 Friday 1-2, by appt. Office Number: CP375
Only 4 fundamental forces 1. Strong 2. Electromagnetic 3. Weak 4. Gravitational Nearly all of the forces which define your daily life are ELECTROMAGNETIC! holds protons & neutrons together Friction, normal force, molecular binding Radioactivity Tides… falling down stairs…
Exam #1 = 15% Exam #2 = 15% Exam #3 = 15% Final = 15% Homework = 25% Recitation Worksheet = 10% Class Participation = 5% You are guaranteed to earn an A if your final score is > 85% a B if your final score is > 70% a C if your final score is > 55% a D if your final score is > 40% AVE= 53% Grading Policies AVE=67% AVE=55% AVE=56% 84% ?!?!?!?!?
Homework One HW set for each chapter – 12 in a semester Homework sets and due dates are assigned in WebAssign Use the WebAssign key distributed in recitation to self-enroll. Follow the steps for self-enrollment in the syllabus If you do not already have a WebAssign account you can create one after verifying the class key. To begin using WebAssign go to If you have problems consult If your problems persist please contact me directly. First Homework Set DUE SEPT 3 rd !
Recitation Each student is assigned to a recitation session Recitation is designed to help you take concepts discussed in lecture and transform them into problem solving techniques Students are be placed in small groups (3-4) Each group will be given a problem worksheet Worksheet will be graded Students arriving more than 10 minutes late will not receive the group grade. The two lowest worksheet grades will be dropped. Make up worksheets will NOT be granted for ANY reason. First recitation is TOMORROW!
Class Participation Use clickers to answer conceptual questions during lecture 2 points for each correct answer 1 point for each incorrect answer 0 points for unanswered questions % grade assigned for each day Six lowest daily grades are dropped at end of the semester Register your clickers via Blackboard (syllabus) If your name is already associated with a clicker ID confirm it is still correct and if not please update the ID. Submitting answers via a clicker ID that is not associated with your name is an act of academic dishonesty and will be prosecuted accordingly.
Test Dates & Holidays Sept. 7 th Labor Day Holiday Sept. 21 st Exam #1 Oct. 16 th Exam #2 Oct. 30 th Class Canceled Nov. 23 th Exam #3 Nov Thanksgiving Holiday Dec. 15 th Final Exam (8:00 AM!)
Lecture Class Policies No electronic devices are permitted to be activated or visible in class. This includes all cell phones, laptops, iPads and iPods. Failure to comply with these rules will result in an automatic 1% reduction in your final grade.
The Best Way to Learn E&M I.Ask questions (in class, in recitation, in office hours, in the hallway …) until you understand EVERY application of algebra and vector calculus used while solving the problems. This includes SIGNS! II.Use recitation to develop problem solving skills. INTERACT with your group and your TA to understand how to solve problems. I.Solve ALL of the homework problems WITHOUT the answer manual. II.Solve ADDITIONAL problems that aren’t your homework problems.
Fun Starts Tomorrow ….