Essential Question: How is energy used in the world?


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Presentation transcript:

Essential Question: How is energy used in the world? Topic: Energy Essential Question: How is energy used in the world?

What is Energy? Energy is the ability to cause change. Everything except feelings or ideas is made up of either energy or matter. Energy does NOT have mass or take up space.

What are examples and non examples? Light energy Heat energy Wind energy Nuclear energy Non Examples Love Atoms Hatred Air

BrainPop! Click on Moby Username: txau_dobie Password: aisd

What is the Law of Conservation of Energy? Energy in a system may take on various forms (e.g. kinetic, potential, heat, light). The law of conservation of energy states that energy may neither be created nor destroyed It just CHANGES forms!

BrainPoP! Press Tim and Moby Username: txau_dobie Password: aisd

What is Potential Energy? Potential Energy is stored in matter, waiting to be released.

What Are Examples? Fuel for our cars Food for our bodies An arrow being stretched by a bow before it is released A rock at the top of a hill Food for our bodies Fuel for our cars


What is Kinetic Energy? Kinetic energy is the energy of motion that is released from stored energy.

Examples Object rolling down hill Arrow released from bow Muscles moving A car moving

Examples Potential Energy when up ready to be released. Kinetic Energy when it moves up in down by energy from string

Examples For the biker the bottom of the hill is a point of potential energy Going up the hill energy is coming in which means the biker is going through kinetic energy. Biker waiting on top of the hill to go down is potential energy. Going down the hill energy is going out which means the biker is going through kinetic energy. For the biker the bottom of the hill is a point of potential energy

Examples Rollercoaster Physics! Potential energy- High Kinetic energy- Low Potential energy- High Kinetic energy- Low Potential energy- Low Kinetic energy- High Potential energy- Low Kinetic energy- High Potential energy- High Kinetic energy- Low Potential energy- Low Kinetic energy- High

BrainPoP! Click on Moby Username: txau_dobie Password: aisd

What Are Other Energies? The way to remember the other energies is to remember MRS. CENT Mechanical Radiant (light) Sound Chemical Electrical Nuclear Thermal (heat)

M- Mechanical Energy Mechanical energy is energy generated through movement.

R- Radiant (light) Energy Radiant energy is energy from electromagnetic waves. Solar Panel

Sound Energy Sound energy is vibrations that moves through a solid, liquid or gas to our ears.

Chemical Energy Chemical energy is energy released from a chemical reaction.

Electrical Energy Electrical energy is energy through electricity.

Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy is energy released during a nuclear reaction generally through fusion or fission.

Thermal (Heat) Energy Energy that changes the temperature of an object.

Finished With Notes Write a 4-5 sentence summary over the Essential Question. Glue notes onto the right hand page. Pick from the following box assignments to complete on the right page: #1, #2 or #5 Begin work on vocabulary