1 Command & Accountability
2 Incident Command System
3 Ensures that an incident is managed with a common goal of life/property preservation and personnel safety as priorities. Reduces the number of personnel reporting directly to one person. Ensures that task priorities are addressed in a timely manner.
4 Incident Command System Overview Command Safety Liaison Information OperationsPlanningLogisticsAdministration
5 Incident Command System Terms Command Division Group Sector Supervisor Incident Action Plan
6 Incident Command System Command Incident Command Successful fire operations require the application of an effective overall management system Incident Commander The Incident Commander is the overall incident site manager. Everyone else on the fireground will follow and support the Incident Commander’s plan
7 Incident Command System Sectoring FunctionalGeographical
8 Incident Command System Sectoring Incident Commander PumperRescue Interior Attack Ventilation Little Incident
9 Incident Command System Sectoring Incident Commander Sector Officer Sector Officer Water Supply PumperPumper 2 Interior Attack Ventilation Interior Attack Sector Officer Exposure Exterior Attack RITAccount Medical Sector RehabAmbulance Big Incident
10 Incident Command System We need to utilize our Command System at all incidents. First arriving personnel announce who is command. Does not have to be an officer. Change of command MUST to be broadcast and documented by radio operator. Command has overall responsibility for scene and personnel safety.
11 Incident Command System Command should remain in a location that gives them a good overall view of the scene if at all possible. Command should also remain in a certain location so they can be easily located.
12 Incident Command System What can WE do to improve our system What can YOU do to improve our system
13 Accountability Why? Who Where What How Long
14 Only way to maintain control of personnel on the fire ground Use varies widely System needs to keep track of everyone Must be: —Established as a system —Established long before emergencies occur —Utilized by all personnel who could operate on a scene —Practiced on all calls Accountability
15 Accountability Accountability Systems Manual Systems Cattle Tag/Velcro Computerized Systems
16 Accountability Accountability Systems
17 Accountability Accountability Systems
18 Accountability How? Two-tag movable system 1 for fireground accountability 1 for Entry Control Pass Alarm Master Board Entry Control ???
19 Accountability Entry Control To monitor entrance into a hazardous area Entry Control check point established Check in / out mandatory Large incidents may have more than one
20 New style tags are made of lightweight aluminum with personalized labelsNew style tags are made of lightweight aluminum with personalized labels Easy and fast to replace if lost.Easy and fast to replace if lost. Old style tags will be replaced as neededOld style tags will be replaced as needed Does not matter which tag you use where.Does not matter which tag you use where. New Type of Tags
21 Accountability Why Entry Control? Two In Two Out Entry Control Officer Hazardous Area
22 Firefighters are responsible to advise Command, Accountability Officer or the Entry Control Officer as they exit a structure, and to pick up their second tag and disarm their PASS alarm if their next assignment will not involve interior operations. 2 nd Tag attaches to pass key. Entry Control keeps both tag and pass key until FF exits
23 Accountability Personnel Accountability Reports A verification to Incident Command that all personnel are accounted for should an issue of safety occur at an emergency scene.
24 Accountability Reasons For P.A.R. A report of a missing or trapped firefighter A team is reported by Entry Control to have worked in a hazardous area In breathing apparatus for more than the minimum allowable time of the bottle A sudden hazardous event A search and rescue operation is complete A change in operations from an offensive to a defensive mode At any time Command deems it necessary
25 Accountability is not tags… It is knowing where your people are And what they are doing!
26 Command Accountability System Must be utilized at all incidents, regardless of size Is a requirement under OH&S Section 21 guidelines Is there YOUR SAFETY
27 Command Accountability System QUESTIONS??????????