KA Newsletter November 2008 It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Thanksgiving international lunch. The children did a wonderful job thinking about what they are grateful for. It was certainly nice to be together as a classroom community where we could celebrate our different backgrounds with friendship and delicious food. Our last few weeks have continued with our inquiry into tall buildings and in particular Taipei 101. Our field trip was very successful. The children’s new knowledge and insight is evident in their discussions and some of their representations in different materials. Recycled box construction, Duplo and blocks have been used in many different ways. Thank you to everyone who came with us making it a very safe adventure.
The day had arrived when were going to visit Taipei 101. In the bus we heard excited shouts from the children: I can see 101. Look 101! With every street turn the children scanned the sky for the familiar structure. The elevator ride was very exciting as it is the fastest in the world. As we reached the observatory level the children were all handed a clip board. The children posed some questions which they needed to find out about. With the help of parents accompanying us we began to make new discoveries: How did they build 101? How did they reach the top? Can you parachute from the top? How many people did it take to build 101? How many stairs were there? Why is it called 101? Why is it so tall? Why does it have that pointy thing at the top? What is it made out of? Do people live there? Why is it that shape? What are the shapes on the outside of the building? Everyone made their way around the observation level noticing different things and drawing their ideas on paper. Conversations amongst the children began…. It is called 101 because 1 is the best. So much taxis. Look on top of the buildings: a tennis court, garden, cars. I can see bridges. Grant Look at the tunnels, I see four tunnels. Anya 5 bridges. Nicholas Why are there so much taxis? Megan So many people don’t have cars. Harry So many taxis, cars, trucks.
The next discussions continues: What did you find out or see when you went to Taipei 101? Graciana There were lots of people built 101. One thousand people. Sunghyun Windows. I see cars and I see tunnels. Jared Me too. Michal I see a big ball. Grant That’s the damper. Anya I saw a big building with a circle roof and a square roof. Minna I saw a Taiwan city like the world. Nathan Cars Jared A tunnel, four tunnels. Grant There was one tunnel, two tunnels, three tunnels, four tunnels. They go around the mountain. Nicole Cars Grant See as far as your house. Jozef I saw racing cars, racing from the bad guys. Nicholas I saw an airport while I was looking down. Megan 101, I see two 101’s, there is one more 101 outside. Tal Airport and airplane. Grant There was a flashing light at the top so the airplanes don’t crash into it. The elevator was like a rocket ship. Harry So high, so big.
We saved our Jack O Lantern seeds from the pumpkin and planted them last week. Watching seeds grow are quite magical for children. They have a good understanding now of what the needs of plants are and are keen to check on their progress each day. They have been able to make predictions about what might happen
What will we do with the seeds from our pumpkin? What will happen if we plant these seeds? Minna If they are seeds, put them in the garden and they will grow pumpkin. Nicholas Or carrots or flowers. Tal And toys, they will grow lots of toys. Michal Grow another pumpkin Nathan Don’t know. What do we need to help this seed grow? Graciana Water Sunghyun Water Jozef Sand Grant Mud Harry Seed is pumpkin. Anya Light, sun. Nicole Don’t know. Jared Water.
We have continued with many varied language experiences and the children have enjoyed different versions of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have tried acting the story out to give children the opportunity to speak in front of the group. The semester is coming to a close so quickly. In December we will learn about the Jewish celebration of Hanukah with Tal and Michal’s Mom’s. As some families celebrate Christmas the topic of Santa Claus will be present. Please let me know if you celebrate anything else this time of year. You will be receiving your child’s report on the last day of semester. As you know I am always happy to discuss your child’s progress at any time and remember that the descriptors on the report are what we would expect by the end of year Please note the book fair on December 10. You are welcome to come and help your child buy a book or send in some money in a named envelope and we will help them. The last day for winter break is December 18 at 10.30am.