September 2, 2010
AOS Accounts Payable Update AOS Vendor Processes AOS General Ledger Questions 2
4 Voucher Audit Points Control Groups AP Packet Guidelines Claim voucher SF Utilities Payment to Wrong Vendor ACH Returns
Invoice Line Account Voucher Payment Terms Remit Vendor Remit Location Payment Method Remit Vendor Address Receipt Date 5 The AOS audit includes, but is not limited to, the following fields: Agency Approvals Invoice Vendor Invoice Number Invoice Date Invoice Total Invoice Line Total Invoice Line Description
Receipt ID and Date Purchase Order ID 6 All Invoices over $500 using Account Points 3, 4, 5, 7 and some 9’s will also be Audited for : Vouchers with incorrect or missing information will be denied and returned to agencies for correction.
If packets are returned to your agency for incorrect receipt date, please follow these procedures. 1. Modify receiver with the correct date 2. Unpost the voucher 3. Delete the invoice line 4. Copy invoice line from modified receiver 5. Save 6. Submit a GMIS ticket if you have any issues 7
Submit invoices in voucher order CG must be posted, have a valid budget and doc tolerance (Monitor using SOIAPOO8) Entire Control Groups containing one or more invalid status will be denied and returned to the Agency. 8
Packet Types Non Travel Travel Utilities Pre-Approved Special 9
Specific Packet Guidelines are posted on the Auditor’s Portal Pre-Approved Special Agency needs AOS pre-authorization Vouchers need Payment Terms changed to Due upon Receipt (online vouchers only) Vouchers need immediate/expedited AOS approval 10
Packet Packaging Sort Transmittals by Voucher Type (Online, HV, etc…) and Voucher ID Package by Type (Non Travel, Travel, Pre-Approved Special) Staple Transmittals on top of Invoices Include only as many Transmittal/Invoices as will fit into an interoffice envelope. (No daily limit on envelopes) Label the packet and send to the AOS Service Center. 11
12 Packet Labels Label information should include: Packet Type, Sending BU, Requester, Requester Phone number and . Labeling method/type/form is at the discretion of the agency.
Using claim voucher (SF 11294) as an invoice: Must be signed by an authorized signature of the BU and vendor (signature card must be on file with AOS) 14
The following vendors require account number to be in the payment message field on the payments tab of the voucher. 15
AT&T Mobility: AT&T Mobility LLC: AT&T: AT AND T: SBC: American Elec Power: NIPSCO: EMBARQ: IPL: Duke:
Payment is Cancelled and Rescheduled Vendor Remit Locations are put on Hold AOS will notify the Agency and Vendor for correct Bank Information Corrected Vendor Bank Information is received by AOS, entered and Vendor Locations are taken off hold Scheduled Payments will process in next Pay Cycle Never modify a voucher that is on hold for banking issues without AOS approval. 17
Vendor Guidelines Vendor Summary Page Location Information “No AUDITOR OF STATE Payments” address Two Party Payments 19
20 All Vendor Information Forms (VI forms – SF53788 (R2/10-09)) must be signed and dated within the last 6 months. Send all forms to the AOS service center via US Mail or inter-department mail. Emergency additions may be submitted via or fax with prior approval from Maegan or Jessica. The form must be complete and legible. If a vendor has a change of address and/or bank info, mark the VI form ‘change of address and/or bank’ and reference the old information. In the event of an obvious typographical error, an will suffice. Employee VI forms must be submitted after the employee receives their first state paycheck.
21 The banking portion of the VI Form must be filled out by the bank or a matching voided vendor check can be attached to Section 2. All checks must have a current remit address that matches the top portion of the VI form. AOS will not accept starter checks, checks that have handwritten addresses, or deposit slips. If you are waiting on direct deposit information from a vendor, do not submit the form marked SDO. National City> PNC merger
22 Here is our Vendor Form Return Sheet. Please use this as a helpful tool when submitting forms or checking to see why forms haven't been entered. Please note, another common error is: providing Natl City bank info. Vendors must provide the new PNC bank information.
24 Pay Method, Pay Hold Status Default Addresses
25 Vendor Conversion set up locations named REMIT 001, REMIT 002, REMITXXX, etc. The remit locations contain vendor bank information. For normal AP Vouchers select a REMITXXX location and update address to correspond with Vendor Invoice. If you are not sure which REMITXXX location to select, please confirm the information with your vendor. If you have specific questions, please stay after the town hall for one on one help.
26 Definition ‘No Auditor of State Payment’- Address is not a valid payment address. This could be because the address is used for order purposes only by procurement agents or there is not corresponding bank information from the vendor. Remedy If the address you want to use has a ‘No Auditor of State Payment’ description, you must contact the vendor and get a new Vendor Information form (SF53788) with banking information in order to make it available for remit by AOS.
27 with ‘Two Party Payments’ in the subject line 48 hours prior to Voucher entry. If this is your first 2 party payment, ask for a template form and further instructions.
Mary ReillyDirector of Accounts Kathy FrickAss’t Director of Accounts Jessica GillumVendor Maegan WalkerVendor Greg PiersallTravel Payment Allison ThomenACH/Payment Margo IvoryAudit/Payment Tim McCartyAudit/Payment Brent WalkerAudit/Payment Natasha PulleyAudit/Payment Jackie CarrLost Warrant Joey WilliamsResearch Cozette BrownService Center Shelby Sanders Service Center
AOS GL Audit Procedures Journal Entries Approve/Recycle – Notifications ID Bills Payroll Allocation GL FAQs Inactive Chartfields 30
Journal Entries AOS approves Journal Entries from Workflow Worklist Document Retention Hardcopy of journal entries/backup not required for approvals. Documentation is required in response to audit questions. Document corrections must be done within 3 months of the original document date 31
Journal Entries – continued... Journal Header Required Fields Long Description – Detailed explanation of entry purpose Ledger Group – Agency records entries to ACTUALS only Source – Any valid value except IDB, PAY and subsystem sources (AR, AP, AM, …) Optional Fields Reference Number Journal Class 32
Journal Entries – continued... Journal Lines Journal Status and Budget Status – must be Valid Proper use of ChartFields Account Cash (11xxxx), Internal Service Funds (64xxxx & 65xxxx), Transfers (74xxxx & 75xxxx), Fund Balance (3xxxxx), Fixed Assets (55xxxx) generally not used Fund Program Budget Ref Additional info Line Description Line Reference 33
Journal Entries – continued... All Agency approvals must be complete before AOS will approve. 34
Approve No notification Monitor queries or online approval pages SOIGL024 – Journals not posted provides approval status Approved/posted journals will not appear in the query results Recycle Notify initiator via AP Journal Vouchers are no longer used AP corrections must be done via GL Journal Entries Long description - details of transaction being corrected Journals not approved by month-end should be copied to new month or deleted 35
ID Bills are Journal Entries in ENCOMPASS Only approved Internal Service Funds (ISF) use ID Bills Pen Products is the exception - purchases charged through AP ISF’s are required to use IDB in the Journal Source Journal Source = IDB will bypass Agency Approvals Agency allocations from default ChartField string should not be entered with Journal Source = IDB, will be recycled InterUnit charges are not necessarily ID Bills IDB entries must use accounts 64xxxx (Revenue) 65xxxx (Expense/Expenditure) 64/65 Accounts must net to zero for all entries 36
AOS creates the GEAC payroll entries Agencies provided ENCOMPASS with default ChartField string – updated every Friday on ENCOMPASS website Agency responsible for allocation from defaults to actual payroll distributions AOS reviews allocation entries to verify Payroll Expense Accounts are not over-allocated Journal Source = PAY will bypass Agency and AOS Approvals Agency Payroll allocations from default ChartField string should not be entered with Journal Source = PAY Agency allocations with Journal Source = PAY will be reversed by AOS without notification 37
Several inactive chartfields continue to hold balances Fund, Department, Program, Product, Project, Locality These should be moved to active chartfields Before adding new agency combination edits, balances must be moved to valid chartfield combinations See “Inactive Chartfields” folder under ENCOMPASS Documents – updated weekly Public queries under construction Critical that these are resolved prior to June 1, 2011 (next year-end) 38
Interunit Transactions Asset Management Cleanup PO Rollover Update Project Costing Cleanup 39
Scenario 1: Not related to principal operations of BU, not identifiable to specific transaction, possibly MOU Reduce expense in one BU, increase expense in other BU Process via GL Journal – debit and credit accounts must match Scenario 2: Receiving BU records operational revenue (count as revenue if received from external entity) 64XXXX, 65XXXX accounts may be used – GL Journal Amounts of 64XXXX and 65XXXX accounts must net to zero Scenario 3: Receiving BU uses BI module (IDEM) Receiving BU must be a vendor Pay Receiving BU via voucher, deposit via ROC 40
Asset Cleanup for FY10 CAFR is nearly complete Thanks for your assistance! We still need your help resolving combo edit errors AOS/GMIS will be contacting all agencies with combo edit errors. As of Sept 1, 57 agencies with 48,000 combo edit errors. Can begin immediately - help sessions Sept 7-10 Must be corrected by Friday Sept 10. Combo edits can found at: Asset Management > Accounting Entries > Combo Edit Summary. 41
Public query SOIPO_Asset_Flagged_POs should be run regularly, returns every PO line that will interface into AM. If PO line represents an asset, then it should remain. If PO line is for a non-asset, then AM Business unit and Profile Id need to be removed from line. Fully Received PO lines have already begun interfacing into AM. These lines cannot be corrected, but non-assets must be removed from AM. Goal for query should not be zero results, should contain all incoming assets If leases appear, they must be corrected. 42
Projects with Capital Assets attached to them should not have a Status of Closed Instead, the Status should be “6”. Prevents any online expense transactions, but allows depreciation processing. Therefore, if you close a project attached to fixed asset accounting, please use Status to “6” and not “C”. Please submit a GMIS issue with any questions 43
Second round of PO Rollover is almost complete. Most POs should now have Valid budget status. It may be necessary to run Dispatch before entering receipts or vouchers. Remaining PO errors: Project or ORG Budget errors must be resolved by agency Core Budget errors, try budget checking again GMIS will work to resolve any remaining core budget errors Specific concerns, please submit GMIS issue. Budget Date can no longer be changed Accounting Date will be similarly restricted 44
Special PeopleSoft User Group Meeting Projects Cleanup Kickoff September 9 th 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM IGCS Conference Center Conference Room B Goals: Consistent application of ENCOMPASS model Produce A-133 reporting to Board of Accounts for FY11 45
46 AOS - Accounting Steve Daniels - (317) Cindy Bowling - (317) Sara Darrah - (317) Clay Jackson - (317) Fred Van Dorp - (317) Liz Roy - (317)
Agency specific questions – please stay after Town Hall