Don't assume it wont happen to you.
Bad things always happen to other people, right? No. It is so important that you know what the risks are around you, so you're ready if you are ever in a difficult situation.
Make sure you tell someone where you are going, and when you will get back. Top Tips If you have a mobile phone, make sure it’s charged and has credit before you leave. Let someone at home know when you have arrived at your destination.
Know who to call in an emergency. Top Tips Plan your journey before you leave. Keep your valuables out of sight when you are out on your own. Perhaps think about carrying a personal alarm.
Understand the risks of the environment around you.
What are the risks? PEOPLE Can you think of anyone who might be a risk to you? A stranger? A burglar? A thief? Discuss in your group. ENVIRONMENT Can you think of a place that might be high risk? An alleyway? The park? Discuss in your group. ONLINE Are there any risks when you go online? Discuss in your group. Activity
Avoid speaking on your phone or wearing headphones whilst out alone, as this could limit your awareness of risks or dangers.
Activity Try to keep your valuables out of sight, and stay alert when out and about. Keep you eye on traffic going by, and people around. If you notice anything suspicious or feel unsafe, then tell an adult, such as a police officer, security staff, shop keeper, parent, teacher or station staff, depending on where you are.
Carrying a weapon or pepper spray is illegal. You can feel safer by carrying a personal alarm..
MYTH BUSTING Which of the following statements are true? It is illegal for a shop to sell any knife (including cutlery) to someone under 18yrs old. You can carry a weapon if it’s for self defence. Just carrying a knife could get you 4 years in prison and £5000 fine. Pepper spray is categorised as a firearm in the UK. You can carry a flick knife. Carrying a fake or imitation gun could result in 6 months in prison. Carrying a gun could get you a maximum of 5 years in prison. Personal alarms are for girls. Activity
MYTH BUSTING Let’s see if you were correct: It is illegal for a shop to sell any knife (including cutlery) to someone under 18yrs old. You can carry a weapon if it’s for self defence. Just carrying a knife could get you 4 years in prison and £5000 fine. Pepper spray is categorised as a firearm in the UK. You can carry a flick knife. Carrying a fake or imitation gun could result in 6 months in prison. Carrying a gun could get you a maximum of 5 years in prison. Personal alarms are for girls. Activity TRUE FALSE: IT IS ILLEGAL TO CARRY A WEAPON TRUE FALSE: IT IS ILLEGAL TO SELL OR BUY A FLICK KNIFE. TRUE FALSE: MAXIMUM PENALTY IS 10 YEARS! FALSE: ANYONE CAN USE A PERSONAL ALARM
Activity Now it’s time to test your knowledge. In your groups, see if you can remember what “R E A L stands for in the Keep It REAL campaign.
Activity R: be READY E: EDUCATE yourselves A: be ALERT L: stay LEGAL Try and remember this to become a REAL hero!
Activity We want you to design a poster raising awareness about safety, and the Suzy Lamplugh Trust will choose their favourite one, which will be made into a national poster! There are prizes for the runners up, and your design might be used on one of the Trust’s postcards. We need your help. We want to tell more people about safety because it’s so important.
Spend the next part of the lesson designing your poster. Think about what you have learned today, and how you could include it in your poster. Activity