CSC 313 – Advanced Programming Topics
Lindsay Lohan Economy Studies investigated economy of celebrities Direct earnings from movies, music, TV, ads Profits earned by her label, handlers, etc. Photographers’ income for pictures on TMZ When placed on cover, increase in magazine sales $150+ million/year industry for top celebrity
Something about Lindsay Is it her singing?
Something about Lindsay Is it her singing? Acting key to her success?
Something about Lindsay Is it her singing? Acting key to her success? Her keen fashion sense?
Something about Lindsay Is it her singing? Acting key to her success? Her keen fashion sense? Long, slow, very public total breakdown?
Something about Lindsay
How Lindsay Does It Millions interested in seeing this unfold Each and every mistake, Every outburst that she makes, And, of course, what or whom she is dating Could follow her to be around for each event But may have job, school, or restraining orders Lindsay uses Observer Pattern for attention & $$$
Observer Pattern Observers subject Observers want update when subject changes Must manage this 1:many relationship Efficiently communicate all of these updates ConcreteSubject stateChanged() : boolean setChanged() : void
Foundation of an Industry Lindsay notifies paparazzi before going out With notice, photographers go to her destination Take incriminating pictures of her doing her thing With pictures takes, paparazzi notify press Some published in magazines & used on Dr. Phil Others will get posted to blogs “Private use” of individuals for some pictures Entire crisis then unfolds for enquiring minds
Textbook Observer Pattern Readers sent People when it is printed Readers Readers are observers People magazine Subject is People magazine (in this case) Whenever subject updated, observers notified Magazines notified of pics paparazzi took People In this relationship, People is an observer each photographer Subject is each photographer
Textbook Observer Pattern Paparazzi alerted by Lindsay before leaving Lindsay Lindsay is ultimate subject (& pattern master) Paparazzi Observers in this relationship are Paparazzi
True Genius Very efficient way for Lindsay to get money Also has benefit of limiting people following her Readers notified of each and every change readers In this adventure, readers observers only Lindsay Lindsay only a subject in this implementation Magazines photographers Magazines & photographers play both roles Observer Pattern mastered for this to work
True Genius
Observer Is Hollywood Hollywood Principle: Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You If observers were to ask constantly “Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” Really slow when many observers exist Principle says to have subject send alerts Articles only after craziness on Lindsay’s part When no DUIs, covers with Kate Gosselin instead
Co-Dependent Relationships UML class diagrams with cycles are problem Two classes inseparable no matter what Classes completely dependent on each other Almost impossible to add or extend the design Since both classes needed, reusing one impossible
Replace Cycles With Observer Cycle still in UML class diagram…
Replace Cycles With Observer Cycle still in UML class diagram… … but now classes depend only on interfaces Classes can be replaced at any time Only requires that new class implement interface Far easier to add or modify classes now
For Next Lecture Read pages 56 – 69 in book Great… so how do we code the observer pattern? Haven’t I seen this pattern before? How is it actually written in the real world? Is it really this simple and powerful?