Chapter Strategic Planning Rich Bayley, CPIM, CPSM, CIPC President Central Indiana Chapter Saturday May 2, 2015
Developing a Strategic Plan 1.Who is not using a strategic plan to help manage the direction of their chapter? 2.What are your Successes / Challenges? 3.What do you want to get out of this discussion?
Developing a Strategic Plan Why does you chapter exist? What’s your purpose? Do your plans/actions support your purpose? Example “Where” we want to be: To be Central Indiana’s leader and premier source of supply chain and operations management body of knowledge. Example how to get there: To enable Supply Chain Professionals to become more effective through educational & networking opportunities. Keys: Supply Chain Professionals; More effective; Opportunities; Do we agree? PURPOSE
SWOT Analysis Strengths Volunteers - new & veteran Instructors - 5 to 6 active Financials – good reserve Quality – Platinum 10+ yrs. Weaknesses Decrease in company membership Perception APICS only entry level Ed. Weak chapter marketing activity Getting young professionals to be active. Opportunities Ivy Tech Agreement for Education Rebranding of APICS Fall 2013 Corporate commitment to APICS Upcoming Business Develop. Mgr. Threats Competing for volunteer time Consultants who compete at Comp. Changing personal drive of college students & young professionals. Economy still not robust. Helpful to achieving the objective Harmful to achieving the objective Internal (Attributes of the chapter) External (Attributes of the environment) MAINTAIN / SOLIDIFY IMPROVE / DEVELOPE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MITIGATE / ELIMINATE
Developing a Strategic Plan PLAN Plan Suggestions from District Meetings Suggestions from Leaders Non-member surveys Member Surveys SWOT Analysis PURPOSE Target What will get you there?
Developing a Strategic Plan PLAN Plan Suggestions from District Meetings Suggestions from Leaders Non-member surveys Member Surveys SWOT Analysis PURPOSE Target Examples of your focus areas: Membership (primary reason to exist) Education (primary reason to exist) Volunteers (must have to exist) Financially Sound (to continually exist) What will get you there?
Developing a Strategic Plan To develop a Plan, create “SMART” Goals around your areas of focus. As a reminder, “SMART” Goals are:
Developing a Strategic Plan To develop a Plan, create “SMART” Goals around your areas of focus. Examples: Volunteers Volunteers are critical to continued success and existence of the chapter. Therefore, succession planning and execution must be a critical focus. A yearly timeline & checklist will be established and executed for finding and training back-up volunteers for every position. Education Educational and networking opportunities are also a primary reason we exist. Therefore, promoting and delivering quality educational programs will be another priority. Our chapter will increase educational hours by 3% year-over-year for the next 3 years. Membership Members are a primary reason we exist. Therefore, growing membership & member satisfaction is our highest priority. A growth goal of 2% of overall membership and retention of 70% of existing membership will be established every year. Growing individual as well as company membership will be a focus. Keys to success - Board Leaders must : agree these goals are realistic; and agree to be accountable (support) to these goals.
Developing a Strategic Plan PLAN PURPOSE Target What will get you there?
Developing a Strategic Plan PLAN Target Path How will you get there? PURPOSE POLICY Tactics / Specifics / A “Policy” High-level guidelines of “How to” Verbalize activities to be taken Phrase in statements What will get you there?
Developing a Strategic Plan Create a list of activities & time lines that support your focus areas. Membership Tactical Strategy to get there: 1)An annual member survey will be completed by December of each year in order to: Seek to understand member expectations and needs. Understand why members are not attending events so that we can make adjustments. 2)A marketing strategy will be designed, updated and/or implemented by end of December in order to: Understand our market opportunity in central Indiana. Who are the top 50 or 100 companies that would align with APICS? Target areas/companies with the greatest opportunity. Market APICS to 20 new companies each month by mail, in-person, phone calls… Market APICS through social media (LinkedIn, Facebook…) each month.. Membership Goal Members are a primary reason we exist. Therefore, growing membership & member satisfaction is our highest priority. A growth goal of 2% of overall membership and retention of 70% of existing membership will be established every year. Growing individual as well as company membership will be a focus.
Developing a Strategic Plan Create a list of activities & time lines that support your focus areas. Education Tactical Strategy to get there: 1.Publish a master education plan going out a minimum of 6 to 9 months. Make changes as needed. Public Education plan, listing classes & dates. Offer at least one of each class/year. PDM plan, listing dates (and topics if possible). Offer at least 10 PDM meetings/year. Plant Tour plan. Offer at least 4 plant tours per year. Offer at least one seminar per year. 2.Use Member survey to better understand member’s educational needs. 3.Use Marketing strategy to better understand our target audience. Education Goal Educational and networking opportunities are also a primary reason we exist. Therefore, promoting and delivering quality educational programs will be another priority. Our chapter will increase educational hours by 3% year-over-year for the next 3 years.
Developing a Strategic Plan Create a list of activities & time lines that support your focus areas. Volunteers Tactical Strategy to get there: 1.All board members (except President Elect, President & Past President positions) will seek out and on-board at least one volunteer to help in their area by September. Board members will increase this volunteer support to at least two volunteers per board member by September. The intent is to keep volunteers active, make available a volunteer base to choose from for new board positions, and mitigate the risk of vacant board positions. 2.Survey targeted volunteers (board members, non-board members, instructors…separately) by end of January to understand what they enjoy, not enjoy and can improve upon as volunteers. 3.Appreciate volunteers by recognizing them, at minimum, annually in person, at a PDM, and/or in writing. Volunteer Goal Volunteers are critical to continued success and existence of the chapter. Therefore, succession planning and execution must be a critical focus. A yearly timeline & checklist will be established and executed for finding and training back-up volunteers for every position. Keys to success - Board Leaders must : agree these tactics are realistic; and agree to support and act on these tactics.
Developing a Strategic Plan PLAN Target Path How will you get there? Where will you go from here? Reassessment PURPOSE POLICY What will get you there?
Developing a Strategic Plan Reassessment: 1.Add an action item in your annual meeting to review your plan and results. 2.Make it a priority to report progress of activities monthly at your board meetings. 3.Make adjustments as needed in order to make the plan more effective.
Developing a Strategic Plan PLAN Target Path How will you get there? Where will you go from here? Reassessment PURPOSE POLICY What will get you there? Questions?