Agenda 1. Background 2. Relevance & Role of Satellite Communications 3. Public Policy Issues 4. Policy & Regulatory Concerns 5. Future Trends 6. Where does ITSO fit in the Mix? 7. Conclusion 2
1.Background Satellite Basics Broadly two types: Artificial, those that are man made and placed in orbit by humans and the natural, for example the Moon Initial launches more than 50 years ago, with first commercial satellite in 1963 A relay in the sky: receiving, amplifying and retransmitting the received signal 3
Background continued… 4
A variety of services including Fixed Satellite Services(FSS) and Mobile Satellite Services(MSS) Three Main types of orbits: Geostationary(GEO), Medium Earth Orbit and Low Earth Orbit(LEO) 5
Background continued… 6
Main Frequency Bands: C; K u and K a 7
2.Relevance & Role of Satellite Communications Relevance Key role in growth of global communications; media and technology industries Ubiquity in nature and large geographic footprint(3 geo- satellites for the globe) leads to cost effective coverage Intrinsic point to point and multipoint ability enables cost effective broadcast; spectrum efficiency and content distribution Immense growth of data, need for fast roll-out, and network robustness call for an efficient communications eco system 8
Relevance & Role of Satellite Communications continued… 9
Mobile - satellite hybrid networks necessary for backhaul of high data streams Key where other technologies may not be available for delivery of services for example aeronautical and maritime needs. Absolute crucial for emergency communications and disaster preparedness especially when other infrastructure is damaged. 10
Relevance & Role of Satellite Communications continued… Unique and Differentiating Capabilities Distance agnostic global and X-border coverage allowing anytime/anywhere communications capability High data throughput and efficiency over large geographies with limited need for infrastructure offers unique capabilities No requirement for complex ground infrastructure implies simple, speedy and versatile deployment while at same time interoperable with terrestrial services Resilience and Reliability: Being independent of earth events makes the technology ideal for emergency and disaster recovery& back up for terrestrial Predictable and stable QoS 11
3.Public Policy Issues The Need for Policy Setting the principles, rules and framework necessary to guide related decisions in order to achieve human development goals- MDG’s; Rio+ 20;etc ICT’s key enablers and supporters for: Governance; Health; Education; enterprise A National Broadband Policy is an important element in working to achieve Broadband Access for all Satellite Technologies- a component of ICT’s with unique attributes The Considerations That a considerable part of our future as society is going to be built around broadband Critical issues for success: universality of broadband policies; affordability; access and having people on line At policy level: Leadership; development goals; investment; Drivers for demand and supply Key Inclusions: Intrinsic inclusion of satellite technology in the National Broadband Plan thru recognition of the need for a balance of technologies and policy approaches Use of universal Service Funds and other financial mechanisms Enhancement of demand via E-Gov Initiatives Skills Promotion Incorporation of sustainability principles: ICT- enabled applications that promote environmental sustainability 12
4. Policy and Regulatory Concerns Policy Promotion of competition and investment in satellite services Inclusion of satellite technologies in National Broadband Plans 13
Policy and Regulatory Concerns continued… Regulatory Optimization of approaches to spectrum policy and allocation management, including concerns about C-band issues for WRC-15 Exploration of fresh approaches that take into account needs of different services including satellite and mobile Harmonization of satellite earth station/Vsat licensing and type approval frameworks at regional and global levels Regular review and update of ICT regulations Unified licensing and converged regulation where applicable Stimulating creation of local content Monitoring ICT developments using agreed indicators 14
5.Future Trends Predicted high data consumption requires evolution of terrestrial and space infrastructure to meet demand New satellites in MEO e.g. O3b Smaller and multi-spot beam beams in C-, K u and K a bands leading to: increase in throughput, spectrum efficiency, service segmentation and better control of QoS. New Generation Satellites will have an increase in throughput by a factor of at least 10. Price per mbit to rival fiber Backward compatibility Improvements in compression technology and more efficient modulation techniques New Pricing models contemplated based on Pay- as –you –use and innovations in contract terms allowing portability and creative bundling 15
6.Where does ITSO fit? Policy Arena Uniquely placed as an IGO Enforcement of Public Service Obligations Advocacy and Awareness creation amongst policy makers on strategic issues at regional and global levels New Opportunities resulting from Amendment of ITSO Agreement Regulatory Partnership and Alliances in strategic agenda concerns Opportunities for capacity building 16
7. Conclusion The preceding issues are by no means exhaustive in terms of what contributions satellite communications can make to the Broadband Agenda. The key message is that there is need to provide for it in the national plans, recognize the unique and complementary elements that satellite communications can offer whilst taking the necessary regulatory steps to ensure success. 17