Modern Family S03E011 “Lifetime Supply”
What did Mitchell receive? What does Alex think? Who comes to visit Manny? Where are they going? What did Phil run out of?
The Phrasal Verbs 1.Go off (int) – leave a place I’m going off to Europe next summer for one year. 2.Bend over (int) – lower the top half of your body Please bend over and pick this up. 3.Crank up (sop) – increase in power or volume I love this song. Crank it up! 4.Get st over with (sob) - Do something unpleasant that has to be done rather than delaying it any more One more blind date. I’ll get it over with, and then I’ll be free. 5.Going for (int) – try to get st I went for school president, but didn’t win. She’s going for the gold medal.
The Phrasal Verbs 6.Be in (int) – to participate or agree to st You’re going to the movies at 8, right? I’m in. 7.Move on (int) – to change the subject or activity You failed. Now get over it and move on. 8.Like sb back (sob) – to return sb’s crush I like him, but does he like me back? 9.End up (non) – become or do st unplanned I don’t want to end up poor. 10.Dig up (sop) – find st that is supposed to be secret He went and dug up some terrible information.
The Phrasal Verbs 11.Bum sb out (sob) – make sb depressed Watching the news bums me out. 12.Run out (non) – to have no more of something I have run out of ideas. He ran out of food. 13.Take in (sop) – absorb I’m going to go to the beach and take in the cool breeze. 14.Hang on (int) – wait Hang on. You stole my money!
Have you won any awards? Have you ever thought you were going to die?