Joan Fisher United Way of Anchorage Monique Martin ANTHC
Don’t expect to enroll people on the first visit ◦ It takes 3-4 visits for some individuals/families The Affordable Care Act is complicated and people need to understand how the tax credits work and what insurance plans are available Then they apply it to their circumstances and are ready to enroll
Talking about the Medicaid Expansion Gap requires time and sensitivity Demonstrate the Gap using the Calculator Give people options for care such as referrals to the Community Health Centers Remain neutral and objective Have a box of tissue handy
The MAGI – Modified Adjusted Gross Income Discussion on the new formula for Medicaid No longer assets based – income includes the Permanent Fund Dividend Review your income on a quarterly basis
Bone up on your insurance terms and keep up your training! ◦ Learn how to explain deductibles, co-insurance, co-payment, in/out of network in multiple languages ◦ Attend the Weekly Assister’s Trainings on Fridays ◦ Understand the Qualified Health Plans and the benefit coverage
Did you know you were going to be a tax expert? You aren’t so be careful. ◦ Learn how the Advanced Tax Credits work and are reconciled ◦ Explain how the filing status impacts the ATC ◦ Remember – victims of domestic violence can file married single and get the tax credits ◦ Stress to people to update their income
Share with us one lesson that you learned from your experience as a Navigator or Certified Application Counselor Questions?