Violence in the Workplace Keeping the workplace safe
Section I Introduction 2
Workplace violence: –Affects 1 out of 4 American workers yearly –Claims more lives each year than AIDS and drunk driving combined –Costs industry over $4 billion a year 3
Introduction Workplace violence –Homicide –Insubordination –Threats and verbal intimidation –Harassment –Sexual assaults and rape 4
Introduction Workplace violence: –Stalkings –Theft –Fights, beatings & stabbings –Vandalism and arson –Taking hostages 5
Definitions Abusive behavior Assault Battery Injury 6
Definitions Larceny Mental harm Robbery Situational crime prevention 7
Definitions Target-hardening Threat Violent act Workplace 8
Section II Employers and Employees 9
Management commitment Create a policy Take incidents seriously Outline plan for maintaining security 10
Management commitment Assign authority Provide resources Accountability Appropriate actions 11
Management commitment Reporting procedures Encourage suggestions No punishment or discrimination for those who report or suffer violence 12
Management commitment Provide medical and psychological counseling Work with other parties 13
Employee involvement Sources of information Experience Problem solving Support 14
Employee involvement Surveys and suggestions Security analysis Report incidents 15
Employee involvement Security inspections Evaluation of prevention measures Training Continuing education Share on-the-job experiences 16
Employee involvement Employer and employee cooperation –One-on-one –Team approach –Limitations 17
Section III Worksite Analysis 18
Worksite analysis Risk factors: –Contact with public –Exchange of money –Deliveries –Mobile workplace –Working in high risk settings 19
Worksite analysis Risks include: –Working alone –Working late night or early morning –High-crime areas –Guarding valuables –Working in community-based settings 20
Worksite analysis Multiple risk factors Third parties responsible for work-related homicides Robbery primary motive Reducing robberies should reduce homicides 21
Worksite analysis Sexual assault –Greater than risk of homicide for women –Not robbery related –Tend to occur at night –Females working alone 22
Worksite analysis Robbers –Not choose targets randomly –Want easy access or escape –Want low risk of detection –Want lone workers –Look for lack of police or guards –Commit robbery late at night 23
Worksite analysis Steps include –Review records and past experiences –Worksite inspection and analysis –Periodic audits 24
Worksite analysis Records and past experiences –Robberies? –Assaults? –Other crime? –Threats or harassment? 25
Worksite analysis Records and past experiences : –Serious injuries? –Weapons? –Operations targeted? –Time of day? 26
Worksite analysis Records and past experiences –Number of employees on duty? –Tasks performed? –Preventive measures? –Victim’s actions? –Police involvement? 27
Worksite analysis Inspection and analysis –Walkthrough –Incident analysis –Identify trends –Identify risk factors –Evaluate existing security 28
Worksite analysis Periodic safety audit: –Review hazards –Evaluate effectiveness –Address changes 29
Section IV Hazard Prevention 30
Hazard prevention Controls: –Engineering –Administrative –Work practice 31
Hazard prevention Combination of controls for robbery-related violence –Increase risk to perpetrator –Security cameras –Time-release safes –No easy escape routes –Business closed late at night 32
Hazard prevention Engineering controls –Improve visibility –Adequate lighting –Fences –Drop safes 33
Hazard prevention Engineering controls –Video surveillance –Height markers –Door detectors –Controlled access 34
Hazard prevention Engineering controls –Alarm systems –Metal detectors –Barriers 35
Hazard prevention Engineering controls –"Safe rooms" –Secure bathrooms –Vehicle maintenance 36
Hazard prevention Administrative and work practice controls –Daily procedures –Minimal cash –Emergency procedures –Police liaison 37
Hazard prevention Administrative and work practice controls –Communication –Barriers –Staffing –"Buddy system" –Lock doors 38
Hazard prevention Administrative and work practice controls –Walk & work outside safely –Closing & opening procedures – Limit non-employee access –Request police assistance 39
Hazard prevention Post-incident: –Medical care –Report to police –Notification authorities –Inform management 40
Hazard prevention Post-incident: –Secure premises –Incident report –Treatment & counseling 41
Section V Training 42
Training Job hazards Policy Risks Behaviors recognition 43
Training Diversity Work procedures Security measures 44
Training Incident response Emergency action Reporting and recordkeeping Follow-up care 45
Section VI Evaluation 46
Evaluation Evaluation process –Review safety audits –Review post-incident reports –Examine meeting reports 47
Evaluation Evaluation process –Analyze trends –Employee consultations –New strategies 48
Evaluation Records –Injury and illness –Incident reports –Hazard analyses 49
Evaluation Records –Recommendations –Actions taken –Meeting notes –Training records 50
Section VII Summary 51
Summary of main points Defined workplace violence terms Employer and employee roles Worksite analysis Engineering and workplace controls Training Evaluation 52
Questions? 53