Joie Bush Ritchie Valens
The early years Ritchie Valens was born Pacoima, CA. May 13,1941 When he was younger he played a lot Of different instruments and he was In a local band.
When was his big break Ritchie was first discovered by Bob Keane in a movie theater playing his guitar and trying to earn some cash.
Life as a star When his first song went 44 on the charts he dropped out of high school. He decided to commit to his musical carrier.
Top songs Donna La Bamba Little Girl That’s My Little Suzie Come On, Lets Go
awards He had 6 awards in in in 1987
Their last days He was going to a show with Buddy Hollie, J.P, and they decided to go on a plane after several minutes after take off their plane tragically crashed.