Assignment 2: Understanding the effects of basic nutrition Piecing it all together!
Re-cap Task 2 Food Pyramid Draw and label a food pyramid on your whiteboards. What does it show? Why do we need each food?
Diet presentation In pairs discuss the two diets you found in task 3. Present to the class what the diet is and whether it is a good diet or not – then stick on the board in order of best to worst
Card Sort In pairs match up the health risks with their definitions. Hypoglycaemia Diabetes Obesity Cholesterol Blood Pressure Heart Disease
Diary examination! What are we looking for? Food – type, size, balance Time of eating Drink intake Activity Sleep Feelings – do they link?
The write up P4 keep a personal food and lifestyle diary Grading Criteria To achieve a pass, you must: To achieve a merit, you must: To achieve a distinction, you must: P4 keep a personal food and lifestyle diary P5 describe the effect of basic nutrition and lifestyle factors on fitness M2 review the effect of basic nutrition and lifestyle factors on fitness taking account of your personal food and fitness diary D2 evaluate the effect of a personal food and lifestyle diary suggesting areas for improvement
The Task On applying for the Royal Marines they have asked you to write a report reviewing the effect of basic nutrition and lifestyle factors on fitness taking account your personal food and fitness diary (M2). You should try and evaluate the effect of your diary highlighting consequences of a continued poor diet and suggest areas for improvement (D2). In your report you should make reference to the eatwell plate and talk about food myths. In your evaluation you should make reference to the effects on public services fitness and say why it is important for good health.
Write up to include (Intro) During my report I will look into how my lifestyle factors and nutrition compares to that of someone who is going to join the Royal Marines. Add the Royal Marines fitness test requirement and why they will need good nutrition. For this report I kept a food and lifestyle diary. During this time I can conclude…… (use feedback sheet). Add what a balanced diet is (talk about the food pyramid). In your food diary conclusion you should highlight the affects of poor nutrition. Explain what the eatwell plate is and give two examples of food myths Add why public services fitness is important and why a good diet is needed for them to do their job. And finally add the recommendations / changes your are going to make to be able to improve your lifestyle and diet in order to pass the Royal Marines entry test.