What’s on the minds of the leaders of the world’s top mass transit agencies?
Singapore Paris New York São Paulo Credit: flickr: wired, spirosk, philbeard
30,000 people / track / hour 3,000 people / lane / hour Credit: oaklandnorth.net, redoveryellow.com
A driver produces three times as much carbon dioxide equivalents as a subway rider – and more decibels too.
Credit: Chris Yunker / flickr
Transit Leadership Summit
20-cent token 35-cent token 50-cent token 60-cent token 75-cent token $1.25 token Fare technology: tokens Credit: flickr
Fare technology: Magnetic-strip cards Credit: NY Daily News
Fare technology: Contactless cards Credit: Transportation Nation; Wall Street Journal
Credit: Singapore LTA
Fare technology: Bank cards Credit: Transport for London
Focus on the customer
Credit: elevatorview.com
Credit: MTR
Several cities make available real-time train info for phone apps. Washington Metro engages in active conversations over Twitter. In São Paulo, you can file a complaint by text or by phone app.
Credit: expertvagabond.com
Holistic urban transportation network Credit: Transport for London
Next Transit Leadership Summit: Singapore, March