A Water Cycle Story By Adela Grajeda
Misty was a really happy water droplet. She lived with her friends and family up in the clouds.
It was a cloudy day. Misty, a water droplet, was feeling heavy. All the other water droplets were feeling heavy too. Then everyone started to sink out of the cloud. They were being precipitated! Misty was being pulled by all the other droplets. Misty was the first one out of the cloud.
Misty landed on some thing hard. It was land. Misty was terrified. What was she going to do? Suddenly wind started to blow. Misty was lifted to the top of a roof. The roof was so slippery she slid down into the water.
She was being collected with numerous other droplets. She noticed she was with some of her friends.
Misty was a little bit happy because she was with some of her friends. Then a strong wind blew the clouds that were covering the sun. After that every one felt funny. Then they started to rise to the sky. They were being evaporated.
Then Misty noticed she was back up in the clouds with her friends and family. They had been turned into condensation. Later that day she went to ask her mom what had happen she said, “Misty you just went through the water cycle. You also took the bull by the horns.” Now Misty was very happy. She new that she would go on more water cycle adventures.