A NIGHT OF AK-SAR-BEN Connect, Learn, Lead, Excel
STRATEGIC PLAN Our Core Purpose is to ensure individuals working in office and administrative professions have the opportunity to
TOP INITIATIVES FOR Retain 100% of current membership while increasing membership – Five new members by July 2014, and a total of ten by July Increase technology related programs and training. Implement a shadow program for leadership positions. Increase outreach and to Omaha area companies through marketing and personal contact. Host a positively memorable and successful 30 th Anniversary Administrative Professionals Day Breakfast Event. Align Chapter Strategic Business Plan with the International Strategic Plan.
MEMBERSHIP Goal: Retain 100% of current membership while increasing membership – Five new members by July 2014, and a total of ten by July September 2013 membership was 43. As of February 28, 2014, there are 40 members. This includes one dual member. Since July 2013, we have gained two new members and one re-join. We have had two not renew their membership.
MEMBERSHIP Recruitment and Retention On-site visits to colleges. Information Session at Metro Community College (South Omaha Campus) Wednesday, April 2 nd from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. In conjunction with Heartland Chapter Marché Damper is heading this event.
MEMBERSHIP Recruitment and Retention Increase social media presence Lynn Mosier is heading up this initiative. Accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest & Twitter. Anyone wishing to contribute, share, like or pin is welcome.
CONNECT WITH US On the Web – LinkedIn – Ak-Sar-Ben Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) Facebook – IAAP Ak-Sar-Ben: Omaha, NE Twitter
MEMBERSHIP Recruitment and Retention Word of Mouth The biggest promoters of IAAP are YOU! Do you know someone who could benefit? Contact a Board member or Julie Kaminski, CAP. Share postings, announcements, newsletters. Bring the person to an IAAP event.
MEMBERSHIP Recruitment and Retention Retention Are we meeting our members’ needs? If you haven’t seen someone at a meeting in a while, do you tell them they were missed? Do you contact the Board or someone in the chapter when you have a promotion, career change or life-changing event?
TECHNOLOGY TRAINING Goal: Increase technology related programs and training. Programs this year: Using LinkedIn Outlook Tips & Tricks Sharepoint Apps and Software
SHADOW BOARD & COMMITTEE CHAIRS Goal: Implement a shadow program for leadership positions. No formal program is in place at this time. Anyone is welcome to ask a member of the board or a committee chair. Treasurer Pat Roth CAP-OM has had one person shadow her this year. Membership Committee Chair Julie Kaminski, CAP has requested someone shadow her.
OUTREACH & MARKETING Goal: Increase outreach and to Omaha area companies through marketing and personal contact. No formal program is in place at this time. Anyone wishing to assist with this, please contact Jennie Cormier. Who can we invite to meetings? What publications can we use to advertise? Maintaining our website and social media sites. How else can we reach people?
30 TH ANNUAL APD CELEBRATION Goal: Host a positively memorable and successful 30 th Anniversary Administrative Professionals Day Breakfast Event. As of today, we have two title sponsors and one event sponsor. We are still looking for more sponsors for this event. An expanded vendor expo. Thirty spaces are available for local businesses to come and be seen by attendees. Vendors include Panera Catering, OfficeTeam, Powers Chiropractic, Miche, and more. Two technical training sessions: Sharepoint Software and Apps for proficiency & Paper invitations being sent. Be sure to sign up to help make this the greatest event in town.