Food Choices Teen years demand more nutrients and calories than any other time of life Poor Diet could lead to….. Heart Disease Obesity Cancer Osteoporosis Anemia Can also impact performance levels
Healthy Diet for Teens Aim for Fitness Aim for a healthy weight Be physically active each day Make good food choices Build a Healthy Base Choose variety of grains (whole) Choose variety of fruits & vegetables Keep food safe to eat Eat foods high in sugar and saturated fat in moderation
HEALTHY DIET FOR TEENS Choose Sensibly Low in saturated fat and cholesterol Choose beverage and foods to moderate intake of sugars Choose and prepare foods with less salt
What can Food Labels do for You? Compare one food with another Choose foods that help provide balance of nutrients for your body’s needs Plan meals and your whole diet so they are moderate, varied, and balanced
Serving Size Start at the top – check out the serving size and how many servings first!! The size of the serving on the food package influences the number of calories and all the nutrient amounts listed on the top part of the label. Ask yourself, "How many servings am I consuming"? (e.g., 1/2 serving, 1 serving, or more)
Check Calories Total calories per serving If there are 2 servings in the container multiply the number of calories by calories X 2 = 500 calories in this container Calories from fat This tells you the amount of the total calories that come from fat 110/250 =.44 X 100 = 44% of the calories in this food come from fat
Nutrients Limit these nutrients The nutrients listed first are the ones Americans generally eat in adequate amounts, or even too much. Eating too much fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, or sodium may increase your risk of certain chronic diseases, like heart disease, some cancers, or high blood pressure.
Nutrients Get enough of these Most Americans don't get enough dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron in their diets. Eating enough of these nutrients can improve your health and help reduce the risk of some diseases and conditions.
Footnote Lists the percent Daily Values for each nutrient based on a 2,000 calorie diet Does not change from product to product May not appear on all food labels if the size of the label is too small
Percent Daily Value Based on a 2000 calorie diet The % DV helps you determine if a serving of food is high or low in a nutrient. 5% DV or less is low and 20% DV or more is high
Ingredient List Largest amount of ingredient must be listed first on down to smallest amount Special information that affects people with health problems (allergies) READ the asterisks
Label Terms LOW IN: Food could be eaten frequently without exceeding recommended amounts REDUCED, LESS, FEWER: Food must have 25% less of something than a comparison food GOOD SOURCE OF: One serving of the food contains 10-19% of daily food value
Label Terms ORGANIC AND NATURAL: No pesticides have been used HIGH SOURCE OF FIBER: At least 20% from fiber JUICE—must be 100% juice. Products using terms fruit drink or fruit beverage may contain less than 10% fruit juice.
Closing Questions What’s the problem with focusing on only one or two nutrients on a label? Why is it important to look at nutrients like calcium, protein, and vitamin A…not just the fat and cholesterol on a food label? Why don’t we just avoid all foods that have no nutritional value?