50:50 $ 1 Million $ 1 Million $ 500,000$ 500,000 $ 250,000$ 250,000 $ 125,000$ 125,000 $ 64,000$ 64,000 $ 32,000$ 32,000 $ 16,000$ 16,000 $ 8,000$ 8,000 $ 4,000$ 4,000 $ 2,000$ 2,000 $ 1,000$ 1,000 $ 500$ 500 $ 200$ 200 $ 100$ 100
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$ 100 Question Which of the following did not stimulate U.S. imperialism? thirst for new economic markets need for a new source of cheap labor desire for military strength a belief in cultural superiority A.B. C.D. 50:50
$ 100 Question Which of the following did not stimulate U.S. imperialism? thirst for new economic markets need for a new source of cheap labor A.B. C.D. 50:50
$ 200 Question José Martí organized a guerrilla campaign to destroy American-owned property in Cuba in order to provoke U.S. intervention in Cuba. give money to poor Cuban natives retaliate against U.S. involvement in Cuba recover family land from U.S. control A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 200 Question José Martí organized a guerrilla campaign to destroy American-owned property in Cuba in order to provoke U.S. intervention in Cuba. retaliate against U.S. involvement in Cuba A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 500 Question All of the following countries came under some form of U.S. control as a result of the Spanish-American War except HawaiiCuba the PhilippinesPuerto Rico A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 500 Question All of the following countries came under some form of U.S. control as a result of the Spanish-American War except HawaiiCuba A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 1,000 Question General John J. Pershing led a force of fifteen thousand soldiers in an attempt to capture José MartíEmiliano Zapata Pancho VillaEmilio Aquinaldo A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 1,000 Question General John J. Pershing led a force of fifteen thousand soldiers in an attempt to capture Pancho VillaEmilio Aquinaldo A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 2,000 Question The Boxer Rebellion was an attempt by Chinese revolutionaries to restore the Manchu dynasty to power set up a democratic government in China. set up a Communist government in China. remove foreign influence from China. A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 2,000 Question The Boxer Rebellion was an attempt by Chinese revolutionaries to set up a democratic government in China. remove foreign influence from China. A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 4,000 Question The United States gained control of the land it needed to build the Panama Canal by supporting Panamanian independence implementing the Open Door Policy invading and attacking Colombia negotiating with Colombia A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 4,000 Question The United States gained control of the land it needed to build the Panama Canal by supporting Panamanian independence implementing the Open Door Policy A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 8,000 Question On what did the Roosevelt Corollary build? Open Door PolicyPlatt Amendment Monroe Doctrine Hay-Pauncefote Treaty A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 8,000 Question On what did the Roosevelt Corollary build? Monroe Doctrine Hay-Pauncefote Treaty A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 16,000 Question Which of the following was not a reason for the U.S. to enter the Spanish-American War? explosion of the Mainede Lôme letter yellow journalism news articles Spain’s threat to attack U.S. soil A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 16,000 Question Which of the following was not a reason for the U.S. to enter the Spanish-American War? de Lôme letter Spain’s threat to attack U.S. soil A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 32,000 Question Which of the following did the United States insist that Cuba include in its constitution? the Boxer Protocolthe Platt Amendment the Teller Amendment the Roosevelt Corollary A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 32,000 Question Which of the following did the United States insist that Cuba include in its constitution? the Platt Amendment the Roosevelt Corollary A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 64,000 Question Roosevelt's approach to foreign policy reflected the proverb "Speak softly and carry a big stick" because he allowed U.S. troops to beat foreign natives for breaking U.S. laws negotiations were always backed by the threat of military force he studied West African methods for negotiating with foreign powers his soft-spoken personality made foreign leaders trust and admire him. A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 64,000 Question Roosevelt's approach to foreign policy reflected the proverb "Speak softly and carry a big stick" because he allowed U.S. troops to beat foreign natives for breaking U.S. laws negotiations were always backed by the threat of military force A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 125,000 Question The Open Door Policy was designed as a way for the United States to further its desires to annex foreign nations international diplomacy the establishment of democratic governments its trade interests A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 125,000 Question The Open Door Policy was designed as a way for the United States to further international diplomacy A.B. C. 50:50 D. its trade interests D.
$ 250,000 Question The rapid growth of industry in the United States helped fuel imperialism because America needed unspoiled places for its workers to vacation. Americans had more time to read about foreign places. the United States was producing too many goods for its own people to buy Americans wanted to take over foreign factories and learn their secrets. A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 250,000 Question The rapid growth of industry in the United States helped fuel imperialism because America needed unspoiled places for its workers to vacation. the United States was producing too many goods for its own people to buy A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 500,000 Question What was the purpose of the Foraker Act? to end military rule and set up civil government in Puerto Rico to grant Puerto Rican residents U.S. citizenship to give Cuba and Puerto Rico to the United States to end the Puerto Rican uprising A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 500,000 Question What was the purpose of the Foraker Act? to end military rule and set up civil government in Puerto Rico to grant Puerto Rican residents U.S. citizenship A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 1 Million Question Of the following statements, the one that best reflects an anti-imperialist attitude is The expansion of our trade and commerce is the pressing problem Is there no nation wise enough, brave enough to aid this blood-smitten land? Fate has written our policy for us; the trade of the world shall be ours. It is not necessary to own people to trade with them A.B. C. D. 50:50
$ 1 Million Question Of the following statements, the one that best reflects an anti-imperialist attitude is Is there no nation wise enough, brave enough to aid this blood-smitten land? It is not necessary to own people to trade with them A.B. C. D. 50:50