Latin America: 8 Countries 22 Universities Argentina Brasil Chile Colombia Cuba Mexico Peru Venezuela Europe 5 Countries 2 Research Centres 17 Universities CERN DESY France Italy Portugal Spain United Kingdom
Network Objectives To integrate, consolidate and booster the collaborations in the field of High Energy physics between Latin America and Europe. To provide specialized training for young Latin American scientists To contribute to the modernization of physics education in Latin America; To foster the scientific collaboration in Fundamental Physics between Latin America and Europe by using the existing or foreseen large facilities, To contribute to the technological development of Latin America Coordinator Luciano MAIANI Università degli Studi di Roma, "La Sapienza" Dipartimento di Fisica
HELEN OBJECTIVES Advanced training to young physicists: in the preparation of detectors, hardware / software analysis tools for LHC, DESY, CNGS or Auger experiments, theoretical Physics. Technology Transfer Mobility from researchers between Europe-LA Outreach: –Participation to the CERN High School Teachers Programme –Training of the same students by the Outreach unit at CERN.
HELEN HST We are the first three Latinamericans to participate in the HST in a three-year program Our main goals from HST 2006: To acquire the experience and knowledge accumulated in HST program To receive updated information on High Energy Physics To gather, choose and translate material to communicate HEP and the work made at CERN To share our experience in our own countries, to communicate to others what HST and CERN are and to encourage others to participate! To create a network between HST/CERN and Latin American participants to build together our own program. To promote collaboration in Latin America between high schools, universities and institutions to reinforce the developement of science in our countries.
What we would like to do … To promote the teaching of modern physics in high schools in our countries To promote training for Physics teachers in HEP To give lectures in High Schools, to general public and to students at universities To translate teaching material in Spanish for students and teachers To participate in differents meetings on education, science communication and policies on science and technology To write articles in Educational/Science Communication Publications and newspapers To create a HEP-Experimental Network for High School Teachers: e.g. cosmic rays
A Latin-American HST –200X Creation of a Latin American Committee: To analyze the situation - curricula, infrastructure - in each country using the HELEN network To evaluate the viability of this enterprise To prepare the Project To find the required support The Dream / Objective