7. Yellow Journalism
SWBAT assess the impact of Yellow Journalism on America’s march towards war with Spain and analyze the benefits of imperialism on America’s economy. Lesson Objective
Yellow Journalism Writing newspaper articles that are dramatic and exaggerated with the intention of getting people angry and impassioned. Segregation in America Base your answers upon the picture on the next slide How do tabloids entice people to buy copies of their magazines? Chart & Share Out Discussion Do you believe that most people believe the headlines they read in tabloids? Word of the Day/Initial Activity
Focus Question: How does Yellow Journalism skew facts in order to sell papers? Read Propaganda and Yellow Journalism What is propaganda? How did Hearst and Pulitzer use Yellow Journalism to sell newspapers? Write a claim, provide 1 piece of evidence and analyze Extension Activity Is it moral to write in the fashion of yellow journalism in order to sell newspapers? Share Out Activity 1: Propaganda and Yellow Journalism
2 minute to write down a response to this question: How could Yellow Journalism negatively impact American society if it were to develop into a consistent practice? Develop a list of three ways that it could impact society. Turn & Talk: 30 seconds per partner Share Out Yellow Journalism QuickWrite/ Turn & Talk
Focus Question: How did Yellow Journalism help incite the American public to demand war with Spain? Read Yellow Journalism and the Spanish American War? How is Hearst’s headline an example of Yellow Journalism? Write a claim, provide 1 piece of evidence and analyze Extension Activity How might this Yellow Journalism headline lead to the outbreak of war between America and Spain? Share Out Activity 2: Yellow Journalism and the Spanish American War
1. Spanish-American War a. Causes: Cuba revolts against Spain a. Humanitarian: Americans sympathize with Cuban independence b. Economic: US invested $50 million in Cuba, Spain threatens it c. Expansionist: America could take over Spanish lands if they win war. 2. Yellow Journalism a. Newspapers spread rumors that Spain sinks the USS Maine a. False acquisation but Americans demand war 3. Platt Amendment a. America signs treaty with now-free Cuba to control much of its economy and politics. 4. Open Door Policy a. America creates a policy that will allow open trade with China a. Opens up Chinese markets and is another act of imperialism. Mini-Lesson
Exit Ticket News organizations were engaging in yellow journalism before the Spanish-American war when a. publishers tried to prevent the war b. articles about Cuba were fair and balanced c. editors exaggerated events to build support for war d. writers ignored the situation in Cuba 2) Share with me one thing that you find interesting from class today. Why do you find it interesting? 3) Share with me one-way in which the information from class today affects your life today. Summary