Dentin hypersensitivity By Aung Oo DEN 1114 D218
What is dentin hypersensitivity? A transient, sharp pain arising from exposed dentin in response to a stimulus Pain – short in duration, very mild to very intense.
Etiology Enamel loss Occlusal wear Tooth brush abrasion Dietary erosion Abfraction Parafunctional habits Cementum loss Gingival recession Periodontal disease Root planing Periodontal surgery
Mechanism Whenever dentin is exposed and stimulated by tactile, chemical, thermal or osmotic stimuli, there is rapid movement of fluid through tubules. This causes stimulation of nerve fibers in pulp by displacing odontoblastic cell bodies.
Theories of dentin hypersensitivity Direct innervation theory Odontoblast deformation theory/transducer theory Hydrodynamic theory
Differential diagnosis Fractured restorations Fractured enamel exposing dentin Dental caries Post restoration sensitivity Cracked tooth syndrome Bleaching sensitivity
Role of Dental Hygiene Diet counseling regarding consumption of acidic fruits and beverages Correction of brushing technique Care during operative procedures Care during periodontal procedures Home-care treatment (desensitizing dentrifrices)
Treatment Home-care treatment (desensitizing toothpaste/dentifrices) Advice regarding tooth- brushing and diet Refer to Dental professionals for restorative treatments
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