By: Petra Schubert, Mike Rosario, Chris Melendez, Anna Kunnirickal, Jenny McCosby
Major Religions 92.8%-Christian 7.2%-Other
Festival of Iemanjá Iemanjá = Goddess of the Sea New Year’s Umbanda Festival in Rio de Janeiro
Celebration of the Virgin Mary Celebrated on December 7 Originated from volcanic eruption Purísima
Yemaya CubaSantería Yemaya = Goddess of the Sea Orishas became associated with important Christian figures
Cha’lla Combination of Catholic and indigenous ceremonies Ritual blessing to ward off spirits
Christmas Bolivia Harvest Festival
Bolivia Peru
Viracocha Peru and Bolivia Arose from Lake Titicaca during time of darkness to bring forth Light Most important God of the Incas
Day of the Dead Mexico Mixture of Christian Religion and Pre-Hispanic traditions Altars devoted to the deceased include four elements: Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire.
South and Central America