EN/AGNA/2014/Pres/02 Experiences and good practices in the use of administrative data in the compilation of NA -The case of Ghana Bernice S. Ofosu-Baadu Ghana Statistical Service
kinds of administrative data used in NA compilation 1.Business turnover statistics based on VAT from the Ghana Revenue Authority 2.Mining and quarrying data from Minerals Commission 3.Crude oil-related from Ghana National Petroleum Corporation 4.Forestry and logging data from Forestry Commission (including information on illegal logging) 5.Cocoa data from COCOBOD 6.Crops output data from Ministry of Food and Agriculture
kinds of administrative data used in NA compilation 7.Fish output and price from Fisheries Department 8.Call volumes and rates from National Communication Authority 9.Profit and Loss Account of the banking industry from the Bank of Ghana 10.Output of Insurance industry from National Insurance Commission 11.Electricity production from the Volta River Authority 12.Electricity distribution from Electricity Company of Ghana 13.Water production and distribution data from the Ghana Water Company Limited
kinds of administrative data used in NA compilation 14. Imports and Exports data from Bank of Ghana 15. Cement production from cement manufacturing companies 16. Refined petroleum products from the Tema Oil Refinery 17. Roadworthiness renewals from the DVLA 18. Cargo handling data from Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority
kinds of administrative data used in NA compilation 19.Public Administrative data from the Controller and Accountant General’s Department 20.Education data from Ghana Education Services 21.Health data from Ghana Health Services 22.Balance of payements
Not much admin data sources Arts, entertainment & recreation
Administrative data to be used for 2008 SNA The same administrative sources outlined
Business turnover statistics based on VAT Tax Identification Number (TIN) Name of company ISIC Sector Tax period (month) Tax year Output Output VAT Local inputs Local input VAT Imported inputs Imported inputs VAT Exemptions Deduct input Total payment due
Number of establishments covered
VAT data is extensively used in the compilation of national accounts Number of establishments covered by VAT (Data on the blue-coloured activities are the ones use in the compilation of GDP)
Main challenges encountered using administrative data The classifications used may not be in National accounts format The concepts and definitions may not conform to international standards
Recommendations for using of administrative data for compilation of national accounts Virtually no cost on data collection to the Statistical Office It is a quick way of getting data, which helps in timely provision of information It could help in updating the business register
Ensuring GDP exhaustiveness in Ghana Planned conduct of Integrated business and enterprise survey (IBES) Planned to include the informal sector
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