VENUS in transit Robert Wielinga
Venus Evening star Goddess of love and beauty planet
Utrecht, june 8th 2004, 05 h 20 m : sunrise
Utrecht, june 8th 2004, 07 h 19 m : a black dot passes in front of the sun I : first contact at 07 h 19 m II: seccond contact at 07 h 39 m III: third contact at 13 h 03 m IV : fourth contact at 13 h 23 m A transit of Venus: a mini solar eclipse
½ 105 ½ Regularity in the occurance of transits of Venus
months When Venus meets the earth Every the earth is overtaken by Venus
No transit Transit! But the orbit of Venus is tilted slightly with respect to orbit of the earth around the sun (3,4 o ). Usually when Venus overtakes the earth there is no exact alignment Exact alignment: very rare! When Venus meets the earth
jan dec feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov
Jeremiah Horrocks observes the transit of 1639
William Crabtree (friend of Horrocks) is the seccond person to observe the 1639 transit “I beseech you, therefore, with all my strength, to attend to it diligently with a telescope and to make whatever observation you can….” Horrocks, in a letter to Crabtree
A A B B The path of Venus acros the sun by observers A and B as seen from the earth Halley ( ) proposed a method to measure the ‘immense distance to the sun’ by international coordinated observations during the transit of
Voyage with the Endeavour Captain James Cook 1769: Tahiti
Captain James Cook 1769: Tahiti
The unfortunate adventures of Guillaume-Joseph-Hyacinthe-Jean- Baptiste Gentil de la Galaisière (Le Gentil) maart 1760 juli 1760 mei juni 1761
mrt 1768 mrt 1770 okt 1771 aug 1766 The unfortunate adventures of Guillaume-Joseph-Hyacinthe-Jean- Baptiste Gentil de la Galaisière (Le Gentil)
Problems in 1761 / 1769: - Weather (Le Gentil) - Longitude - The BLACK DROP effect
CairoRodriguez Is.MauritiusNew Zealand 1874 / 1882 New hope: - Photography - Parallax of stars
Members of the Dutch expedition in 1874 in front of their accommodation in St. Denis, Réunion Observation camp of the Dutch expedition 1874: Dutch participation !
Exhibition in Museum Observatory Sonnenborh
VENUS Distance to the sun: 108 million km 0,72 AU Diameter: km (0,95 x earth) Massa: 4,7 x kg (0,80 x earth) Temperature (surface): 490 °C Pressure (surface): 90 atmosphere
The atmosphere is is composed mostly of carbon dioxide. There are several layers of clouds, many kilometers thick, composed of sulfuric acid.
Mikhail Lomonosov, june 5, 1761 discovered, during a transit, that Venus has an atmosphere
Magellan spacecraft Launched from the Space Shuttle (1989)
Venera 13
A partial solar eclipse: the moon covers the sun
Mercury in transit in may 2003 sunspot
Eclipse glasses Pinnhole projection Mirror projection
Projection method: safe and handy! With binoculars (only use one half) or telescope
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