Welcome Parents
Recognize and write first name Recite address Recite phone number Recite birthday
Identify upper and lower case letters Identify colors and basic shapes Count to 20 Identify numbers to 20
First Day Lunchroom Snacks Specials
Buses Transportation Change Visitors / Volunteers
Open House August 4, 3:00 – 6:30 Visit your child‘s classroom Curriculum Night Discuss expectations Kindergarten curriculum
Conferences Fall Spring Per request Report cards Every 9 weeks
GKIDS Beginning and end of year assessment AIMsWeb Progress monitoring IKAN Gloss Math Fountas and Pinnell Reading
Tie their own shoes Daily Routines Coat Book bag Personal Needs
Responsibilities Checking book bags notes, lunch money, homework Communicate appropriately with teachers and classmates
Positive Comet Attitude Raise hand when needed Listen and follow directions
Stay on task 8 to 10 minutes Use lunchroom manners Show acceptable hall and bathroom behavior
Respectful Treat others the way I want to be treated Accountable I am responsible for my choices Empathetic I thank others before myself
Proactive I am a self starter with a can do attitude Integrity I do the right thing even when no one is watching
Attend Open House August 4 Focus on the positive Discuss your child’s concerns Make sure your child knows you will see him/her at the end of the day
Practice getting up early Establish a morning routine