Library Skills Workshop for BUS010 Lingnan University Library Feb
Exercise must be submitted online: URL: Deadline: 8 Mar 2012 (Thu) Questions are about skills with finding items in the Library catalogue and some basics in using online databases Library Exercise 2
Making the best out of the Library begins at the Library home page Overview 3
Like the convenience with the Google Toolbar or Yahoo! Toolbar? Quick searches and instant access to often used Library and University functions are readily available by installing the Lingnan University Library Toolbar: Available for both IE and Firefox web browsers. Library Toolbar 4
5 You can access the “Library Toolbar” webpage under the “Services & Facilities” tab
Bookings can be made for the following rooms and facilities: Discussion Rooms Individual Study Rooms CD-ROM / Database Workstations Microfilm Workstations Multimedia Booths Demo for booking a discussion room: wf wf Demo for booking an individual study room: f f Room Booking System 6
Lingnan Library2Go App for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch 7 Get it now! Scan this QR code:
Title search Author search Keyword search Understand the status codes, locations and call number system Request in-process items, recall checked-out books Course reserve My Library Account (Online renewals, SMS alert service, reading history, etc.) HKALL (Hong Kong Academic Library Link) Library Catalogue 8
Title and Author Searches 9 Title Search Select “Title Search” Type the exact title or the first few words of the title in the search box Omit initial articles such as “a”, “an” and “the” from the title search. Author Search Select “Author Search” Type the author's name / name of a government body, an organization or a conference in the search box
Question: I want to read the book written by Bill Gates in What should I do? Answer: Search the Library Catalogue by name of Author. But you need to search by placing the Surname in front of the Given Names. Example – If I already Know the Author ’ s Name 10
HINTS: the Library Catalogue can only be searched by book author, book title, journal title, etc. Therefore, article titles, title and author of a chapter in the book usually are not searchable Example: You are asked to read the followings: 1.Lai, D., & Surood, S. (2008). Predictors of Depression in Aging South Asian Canadians. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 23(1), Ren Y. (1999). China’s Perceived Image of the United States: Its sources and impact. in P. Koehn and J. Cheng (Eds.), The Outlook for U.S.- China Relations Following the Summits: Chinese and American Perspectives on Security, Trade, and Cultural Exchanges (pp ). HK: Chinese UP. Finding Items on Your Reading List 13
14 Search Article Title “Predictors of Depression in Aging South Asian Canadians” has NO MATCHES Example: Lai, D., & Surood, S. (2008). Predictors of Depression in Aging South Asian Canadians. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 23(1), 57-75
15 Need to search for the Journal Title “Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology” instead
16 Search Chapter Title “China’s Perceived Image of the United States” has NO MATCHES Example: Ren Y. (1999). China’s Perceived Image of the United States: Its sources and impact. in P. Koehn and J. Cheng (Eds.), The Outlook for U.S.- China Relations Following the Summits: Chinese and American Perspectives on Security, Trade, and Cultural Exchanges (pp ). HK: Chinese UP.
17 Need to search for the Book title “The Outlook for U.S. – China …” instead Example: Ren Y. (1999). China’s Perceived Image of the United States: Its sources and impact. in P. Koehn and J. Cheng (Eds.), The Outlook for U.S.- China Relations Following the Summits: Chinese and American Perspectives on Security, Trade, and Cultural Exchanges (pp ). HK: Chinese. This is CHAPTER in a BOOK
Keyword Search 18 e.g. Keyword Search: Type the keyword “Hong Kong education reform*" in the search box General Search Tips Search terms are not case-sensitive Accept both Chinese and English terms Truncation: Keywords may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk Use a single asterisk* to truncate from 1 to 5 characters e.g. bank* (retrieves bank, banks, banker, banking, etc) s/opac_searchtips.html
19 Search results related to “Hong Kong education reform*" will be displayed. e.g. 76 results are found Click the title to view the bibliographic record
20 Subject heading which helps you to locate specific or related information.
Example – I do not know the Name of the Author / Title of the Book Question: I am writing a paper about translation of Chinese poetry. My Lecturer told me that there is a Lingnan Master Thesis in 2003 about translation of some Chinese poetries. How can I find it? Answer: Search the Library Catalogue by keywords, limit / sort by year and material types. There are different material types and one of it is Lingnan Thesis. Searching for Reading Materials for your Term Paper 21
22 Under Keyword Search, you can limit results to Chinese or English; Books or Journals; Special Material Types; Between certain Years; Sorting Orders and More …
Course Reserve Course Reserve by Instructor or Course (RES) 24
Course Reserve 25 e.g. Search by course code: Type the course code “SOC319" in the search box
My Library Account, Online Renewals, SMS Alert Service 26
HKALL 27 Click the “Search HKALL” button If you cannot find the materials you want in our library catalogue, you can search them in HKALL. HKALL stands for Hong Kong Academic Library Link ( 香港高校圖書聯網 ) Eligible Lingnan staff and students can borrow books from HKBU, CityU, CUHK, HKIEd, HKU, HKUST & PolyU libraries by making online requests. Instructions for Lingnan users
HKALL – Request Procedures 28 Click the book title
HKALL – Request Procedures 29 Eligible HKALL users at Lingnan University can make a HKALL request only if: The requested item is not available in the Lingnan University Library Other libraries have at least a copy of the item with the status "AVAILABLE" The user has not used up his / her request quota Click the “Request this title” link
HKALL – Request Procedures 30 Choose “Lingnan” as your home library
HKALL – Request Procedures 31 Fill out the authentication page by typing in your Lingnan username and password, then click the "Submit" to complete the request procedure. Please note that eligible Lingnan users can only borrow up to 10 HKALL items
Library Catalogue vs Electronic Databases Library Catalogue Allows you to search for all kinds of library materials such as books, journals, AV materials, etc. Electronic Databases e-books, book chapters, academic journal articles, news articles, statistics, glossaries and definitions, etc Full-text Databases - contains the partial or complete text of works, such as articles, books, poems, and essays. Bibliographic Databases - contains descriptive information (citation and subject headings) for publications, such as books, periodical articles, & government documents, etc. Using Electronic Databases 32
Access: Key Databases ProQuest, EBSCOhost, WiseNews, Factiva, LexisNexis, 中國期刊全文數據庫 Find Databases by Subjects WebBridge: Linking up Library-paid Databases and Full-text Contents Using Electronic Databases 33
1. Identify key concepts: 2. Choice of search words (related key terms/synonyms) Example: Should the Government Introduce Sales Tax in Hong Kong? Key concepts: sales tax, hong kong Related key terms/synonyms Sales tax: VAT, value-added tax, GST Hong Kong: hk, hongkong How to Construct a Search 34
3. Use appropriate operators (AND / OR / NOT) and wildcards/truncation (e.g. *, !) AND: searches records that mention both search terms, this narrows the search e.g. sales tax and hong kong ( 必須同時出現 ) OR: finds records in which one or both search terms appear, this broadens the search e.g. vat or value added tax ( 只要任何一個出 現 ) How to Construct a Search 35
4. Wildcards / Truncation: retrieves all variant endings of that word EBSCOhost: * ProQuest: * LexisNexis Academic: ! OPAC: * e.g. bank* -- retrieves all words that start with bank such as bank, banking, banker, etc. How to Construct a Search 36
5. ( )Parentheses: gives priority and order in the search statement e.g. (sales tax or vat or value added tax or gst) and hong kong 6. Be prepared to narrow / expand your search results by using database-specific features / changing your keywords How to Construct a Search 37
1-Search 38 1-Search Allows you to Search Many Databases at the Same Time
WiseNews and WiseSearch How to browse by HK Newspaper Categories? How to search with WiseSearch? Searching for News Stories 39
General Enquiries Integrated Helpdesk at Information Commons (1/F, Library) Tel: Ask A Librarian (Electronic Reference) Contact Us FAQ uently_Asked_Questions_About_the_Library uently_Asked_Questions_About_the_Library Getting Help 40
Q & A Thank You! 41