Please get out your Vocab Word Maps from Monday… Please do not talk at this time Oct 9 HW: No HW! Make sure all your make up/Late work is in by Wed/Thursday Please get out your Vocab Word Maps from Monday…
Pg. 38 Please ADD to the Vocab Word maps you are correcting so that they have all of these pieces as well as their own….
Today we learn Cornell Notes These notes have been proven to be the BEST way to take notes in college. They also work in real life. I took Cornell Notes when I met with the bank about buying my house. How many people already know how to do these? We’ll review now, so you know exactly what is expected in this class. You have a model and a rubric on pg. 6A Lets look at that now….
Proficient- B grade Includes proper heading and page set-up following the Cornel Notes Model Content is summarized in student’s own words (not copied from the book or a friend) Left hand side contains subject headings and key vocabulary, underlined and right hand side contains vocabulary definitions Right hand side follows an outline form or uses indentations to make content clear Left-hand side contains at least one above the surface question and/or meaningful graphics that summarize key info after notes are taken Right hand side contains answers to above the surface questions Main ideas from the entire reading are contained in the summary at the end of the notes (1 summary per assignment) Note: Summaries will be read to judge student mastery of note taking and content
Look at pg. 6A/B Cornell Notes- What do you need? What you need Why you need it Name and Period So I know who you are and can give you credit. Vocabulary- Underlined on the left, definition on the right You must know these words to understand the lesson, plus they are on the test. Key words- on the left These help you organize your information and find things later Notes- on the right This is where you summarize (just the highlights) what you have learned IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Look at this to make your questions. ASQ Questions- on the Left Above the Surface question (Min. 1 per assignment). When you write a question about something you are thinking about it in a new way and this helps your brain remember it. The answers to your questions should be in your notes. Summary- 1 Summary total (no matter how many pages of Notes A summary helps you reflect on what you have learned an helps your brain remember it.
Advanced- A grade All of proficient standards are met Key information in the right side of the notes has been highlighted/underlined after notes are taken. Information is organized into Social/Political/Economic categories (through color coding and/or labeling) One of the Following to be completed AFTER all notes are taken: Left hand side includes at least one below the surface How/Why question with the answer on the right side of the notes. Analogy with an explanation of how it connects to the information in your notes in the Summary. A Venn Diagram showing how two things compare and contrast in the Summary A metaphor in the Summary
YouTube Videos on How to Do Cornell Notes: Proficient Cornell Notes Video Advanced Cornell Notes Video
Set up your paper like this: Topic: Name: Class: Period: Date: Fold Here
Set up your paper like this: Topic: Name: Class: Period: Date: Write your Topic Here Your topic is Absolute Monarchs
Set up your paper like this: Topic: Absolute Monarchs Name: Class: Period: Date:
Set up your paper like this: Topic: Absolute Monarchs Name: Class: Period: Date: The Summary goes Here Write Summary and draw a line above it across the page at the bottom
Set up your paper like this: Topic: Absolute Monarchs Name: Class: Period: Date: Summary
Set up your paper like this: Topic: Absolute Monarchs Name: Class: Period: Date: Write the Page Number Here The Page Number will be Pg. 39A Summary
Does Yours look like this? Topic: Absolute Monarchs Name: Class: Period: Date: Summary Pg. 39A
Does Yours look like this? Topic: Absolute Monarchs Name: Class: Period: Date: The first thing you do when taking Cornell Notes is take NOTES. Notes Go Here on the Right. They can be in outline form, bullet form, pictures, diagrams, charts… anything that will help you remember information you are learning…. The other part is KEY WORDS and VOCABULARY They go Here on the Left. Summary Pg. 39A
Now on pg. 39A…Title: Absolute Monarchs As we go through these notes, take Cornell Notes and add Key Words and any Vocabulary you see. Now on pg. 39A…Title: Absolute Monarchs An Absolute Monarch is a king or queen with absolute power. Their word is law. Like all autocrats, they can use their powers for good or evil. Usually, absolute power corrupts these kings and queens. Often, these rulers claim that God put them in power. Thus, God becomes the source of their massive power on earth. We call that claiming Divine Right
Absolute Monarch in France Louis XIV 1638-1715 Absolute Monarch in France
The Palace Of Versailles
Built to impress the nobility and awe the peasantry, the Palace of Versailles became a symbol of Louis XIV’s power and wealth. Here the King could entertain his friends, keep an eye on his nobles, crush his enemies and bankrupt his nation. The Palace was filled with all the luxuries money could buy: Booze, Prostitutes, Drugs, Music, Fine Food, Theater, Tennis Courts, Private Parks and a Zoo.
That’s Real Gold!
Cut Marble fitted like a Puzzle into Designs!
Please get out your Cornell Notes. We are going to finish them. Please do not talk at this time Oct 10/11 HW: Finish Class Cornell Notes, Pgs 164, 165 and 167 Only Please get out your Cornell Notes. We are going to finish them. Please turn in any make up work or late work you want to submit before Grades are due.
Does Yours look like this? Topic: Absolute Monarchs Name: Class: Period: Date: Now you need QUESTIONS Questions go in the Left Column with key words and vocabulary You answer the questions right next to them on the right…. The next slides will have some questions for you to use. Later you will add your own. Absolute Monarchs….blah blah blah Divine Right Blah blah blah blah blah blah King Louis XIV blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah Versailles… Absolute Monarch Divine Right Versailles Summary Pg. 39A
How did Louis XIV get all that $$$? Louis XIV got his wealth from France, or rather from the hard work of the French peasants. Only peasants paid taxes in France and their taxes were very high. Almost $.50 of every $1 went to King Louis and the government. Additionally, those who did not own land, had to work for others for very poor wages, so nobles and the king enjoyed the benefits of almost slave labor. Finally, Louis XIV borrowed money from banks to make up the difference between what he was spending and what he was taking in.
Does Yours look like this? Topic: Absolute Monarchs Name: Class: Period: Date: Now you need QUESTIONS of your own! Write at least one question of your own on the left about information you took notes on at the right. Absolute Monarchs….blah blah blah Divine Right Blah blah blah blah blah blah King Louis XIV blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah Versailles… Borrowed, taxes blah blah blah blah blah How did Louis get all that money? Summary Pg. 39A
What did Louis spend his money on? Entertainment Luxury goods Wars- which he mostly lost.
What could he have spent his money on? Infrastructure like roads, bridges, etc Schools Health care for veterans Or he could have let peasants keep a little more of their money….
And Then There is King George III of England… He’s not an Absolute Ruler (He shares power with Parliament in a Constitutional Monarchy)
George III 1738-1820 King George III owed money after the French and Indian War. He decided to tax the Colonies. Furious when the American colonists objected to the taxes, especially the Stamp Act, George flew into a rage when the Stamp Act was repealed. He thought the colonists should be dealt with harshly for their disobedience. To punish them, he pushed through the Townshend Acts, in 1766, taxing many good like tea resulting in the Boston Tea Party. King George loses this fight when the American colonies successfully became the United States Of America.
So… Knowing what you know about Enlightenment ideas, the success of the American Revolution, a functioning, King-less Democracy in the Americas, and the spreading philosophies of John Locke, J.J. Rousseau, Montesquieu and Voltaire…. How will the peasants of France feel about Louis XVI?
Does Yours look like this? Topic: Absolute Monarchs Name: Class: Period: Date: The Last part is for the Summary It goes at the end of all your notes. This is where you practice summarizing what you have been taking notes on. When you summarize, you pull out the 5 – 7 most important things and put them at the bottom of the page. Take some time to write that now. Absolute Monarchs….blah blah blah Divine Right Blah blah blah blah blah blah King Louis XIV blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah Versailles… Borrowed, taxes blah blah blah blah blah How did Louis get all that money? Summary Pg. 39A
Lets look at some of these…
Reflect and Review Notes Review notes regularly- 1. after class, 2. at least weekly, and 3. before the test. Rewrite key words into Above the Surface, and Below the Surface questions. Review for accuracy, comprehension and spelling. Prepare for tests by covering one side of your notes. Collaborate with others- look at what they thought was important. How is it the same or different than yours? Topic: Vocab Word Key word Question Heading Vocab This is how you use Cornell Notes to Study
YouTube Video on Social/Political/Economic Pg. 40A: Categorizing Events in History! Social Political Economic What kinds of Events go in each box?
Categorizing Events in History! Social Culture and groups Social structures Ethnicity Identity Gender Religion Economic class Art Political Power and government Leadership Laws War/conflicts Reform Rights Diplomacy Economic Resources and Money Trade Labor Standard of living Production of goods Taxation Technology Now look at the events in your American Revolution Timeline. Which box would each one go in to?
American Revolution Timeline 1754 French and Indian War 1765 Stamp Act 1773 Boston Tea Party 1773 British Close the Port of Boston to all Trade 1774 First Continental Congress Meets 1774 Second Continental Congress 1775 Battle of Lexington and Concord 1776 Declaration of Independence Written and Published 1776 War Declared between England and the Colonies 1778 French Join the Fight on the side of the Colonies 1781 English Surrender at Yorktown- The war is over. 1781 Articles of Confederation written and Ratified 1787 Constitutional Convention Held 1787 New Constitution Written 1789 Bill of Rights added to the Constitution 1791 Constitution Ratified by the new States American Revolution Timeline
Back to your Cornell Notes… Pick 3 colors….Decide which one will be Social, Political and Economic. Underline or highlight info in your notes depending on the category it goes in!
Now You do it… Get a piece of paper and set it up in the Cornell Notes Style. Title: Louis XIV Pg. 41A Turn to Pg. 164, 165 & 167 in the text book and find the section on Louis XIV. Are there words in Blue? These are vocab. Are there words in Bold? Red? These are Headings Take some notes… Remember to go back and add an ASQ!
Index so far Vocab Word maps- Pg 38A Absolute Monarch Cornell Notes pg 39A Social/Political/Economic- Pg 40A Louis XIV Cornell notes- Pg 41A