The work of an MP
Match the words and the definitions and copy these key terms into your books. MP Elected Constituents Constituency An area that an MP represents (e.g. Dover and Deal) The people who live in the MP’s constituency A member of Parliament who is chosen by constituents to represent them. A fair process of choosing your MP.
List all of the jobs that an MP is involved in. Read the extract on what the Labour and Liberal Democrats policies are on the war in Afghanistan.
Your party leader has asked you to write a speech to deliver in the House of Commons explaining what you believe your party policy on the war in Afghanistan should be. Give reasons for your speech.
Get into pairs. 1 of you is a constituent worried about the lack of transport. 1 of you is an MP for YOUR party. Hold a discussion about what your party is going to do about the lack of transport. Where will your party get the money from or where will you cut spending on other things to find the money.
Peer assessment Swap books with your partner. Read their speech and think about your conversations. Write a short report explaining how well you thought they did. Did they always justify their answers? Did they realise that sometimes cuts had to be made or taxes raised in order to provide more facilities? Where their speeches persuasive? How did they persuade the listener/reader?
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