Dunfield House – Year 2 Residential Trip May 2015
Dates and Times Sunday 17 th May – Tuesday 19 th May Coach Pick 2:15pm Please ensure your child is on school for 2:00 (at the latest) You may park in the school car park for the departure but please leave Elm Farm Avenue, the school gates and the turning circle clear for the coaches. Return drop off at 4:45
Members of Staff Mrs Allen, Miss Thomas and Mrs Pinches 20 Children in total 2 other schools and their members of staff will be joining us. Yew Tree (6 children) and Blossomfield Infants (16 children)
The journey takes about 2 hours. Please make sure your child has a light lunch as travelling on a full stomach sometimes causes problems. A list of emergency telephone numbers will be issued closer to the date and once the children have arrived at Dunfield the parent at the top of the list will be contacted and a chain of calls initiated. You will also be contacted if departure is delayed
What to bring? Casual Clothing for 3 days Underwear Sun hat Soft indoor shoes Outdoor shoes Wellies (in a plastic bag) Swimming Kit (including armbands) Two Towels (one for swimming) Waterproof Night clothes Washing kit Small indoor game Book Teddy/soft toy Pocket Money
Activities Please see yellow leaflet Sessions evenly split between indoor music/drama activities and outdoor activities. The food at Dunfield is amazing so please do not send sweets, crisps etc. for midnight feasts. Any special dietary requirements should already be on the form. If you have brought it with you today please hand it to a teacher at the end of the meeting.
Swimming The pool is very shallow (1.3 metres at its deepest) Even Mr Moore can stand up in it. 1 teacher supervises the children in the pool whilst 2 more act as lifeguards on the side. Arm bands are a health and safety necessity for swimming. Please inflate and label with your child's name.
Please label all clothes with your child’s name. A maximum of 5 pounds pocket money is suggested, please put this in an envelope clearly labelled with your child’s name (small change preferably). Any medicines that your child needs can be handed to Mrs Allen before departure including travel sickness pills. Please do not send your child with a Mobile Phone/Tablet as we cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage. The coach will leave at 2:15 to go to the other schools. Enjoy a quiet 2 days.