Welcome to Year 2 - Antarctica
Welcome to Year 1 KS1 Staff Mrs Townsend – Monday and Tuesday Mrs Stack – Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Mrs Revell – Every morning Mr Squibb – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Mrs Phillips – Thursday, Friday Miss Stuttle – Every day Mrs Locke – Every morning and Thursday pm Welcome to Year 1
KS1 Topics for this Year What a Wonderful Place we live in! Fire, Fire! Exploring the Seven Seas Round and round we go Grow your own (SATs) Oh we do like to be beside the seaside!
Time /Lessons/ Groupings KS1 Weekly Timetable Time /Lessons/ Groupings Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:40 Registration Hand in homework Get ready for Run Trainers on for Sports 8:55 Maths Sports Skills with YR 9:55 Playtime and Snack Church Assembly 10:15 Literacy Literacy including spelling (Music next half term) Run for Fun Play time – 10.40 Literacy 10:40 Literacy 11:15 Guided reading rotation Phonics- 11.45 15 minutes story time 12:00 1:15 Topic Y1/2 three mixed groups For Science For Topic RS Register Y1 TS Register Y2 Assembly KS1 planning time 2pm Golden Time clubs 3pmRS take Y1out SL Y2 Y1/2 PE SL interventions RP RE other teacher hearing readers For Art/DT & ICT Break RS duty RP PPA Break RP duty 2:30-2:40 2:45 School Assembly Class Assembly with Mr Squibb SEAL Assembly in Class Class story/singing or whole school story with Mrs Cawthra in the hall
PE kits In locker every day Taken home to wash at half term Need NAMED trainers, shorts, t-shirt, plus tracksuit bottoms and top and socks if you like Also need coat/raincoat every day Sun hat if sunny Name EVERYTHING!
Drinks and Snacks Named water bottle for every child Milk - if you want it complete form and pay Free fruit and Veg each day Bring own snack if you like – NO NUTS Money for snacks from school must be in named purse or envelope
Nothing else Needed! Please don’t send in: Toys Jewellery Precious things Money If needed we will inform you first by letter/email
Communication Any thing we need to know please let us know Email school office Send in note to office or via child Phone office and we can call back See us after school Reading record and home learning books Brockblog
Reading Every child to have library book - weekly change Take one reading book at a time Can change any day – up to child to hand it in in the morning and the parent to sign book Key words Read to your child
Maths Maths target booklets – if too easy or too hard ask us if you want further support Number formation important to avoid bad habits. Remember all numbers start at top. Learn number facts – number bonds to 10/ 20, counting in 2s 3s 5s 10s, then eventually times tables 2s 5s and 10s We use Numicon, numberlines, 100 squares, multilink, counting toys, coins, tens and ones (Dienes apparatus), make it visual and practical
Parent help Home learning – 5 pieces each half term plus spellings, reading, key words, mental maths In school help with reading, computers, art, Golden Time, preparing resources Trips – must be CRB checked Let us know when you are available and what you are willing to do
Behaviour Golden Rules and Class Charter Beaches Sticker charts House points Marbles Certificates on Wednesdays Cups for each class on Fridays Golden Time Positive reinforcement, Sanctions: loss of golden time, playtime, parents informed
Any Questions? Please check in book bag for: Home Learning Books Reading Book Reading Record Key words (for some) Curriculum Information for parents Data collection sheet (in envelope) Maths Target sheets Info for parents letter