Near Real-Time Deforestation Detection for Enforcement of Forest Reserves in Mato Grosso Land Governance in Support of the MDGs: Responding to New Challenges Washington DC March 9-10, 2009 Carlos Souza Jr., Ph.D. Senior Researcher Contributions from: Sanae Hayash Aldalberto Veríssimo
Deforestation in Mato Grosso, Brazil Area of km 2 with 47% within the Amazon Biome 6,800 km 2 /year was the average annual deforestation from 2000 to 2008, 37% of the total deforestation in this period (i.e. 61,600 km 2 ) Souza Jr., Land Governance Conference 2 Source: Prodes-INPE (
Land Categories and Forest Reserves in Mato Grosso Souza Jr., Land Governance Conference 3 Land Category Area (km 2 ) % Indigenous Land 128,21614 Conservation Units 41,0895 Rural Settlement 42,1615 Private Lands (SLAPR) 191,34721 Government Land 500,54355 The majory of the Forest Reserves in Mato Grosso are outside protected areas, and are subjected to the Brazilian Forest Code.
Souza Jr., Land Governance Conference 4 Brazilian Forest Code Area of Permanent Protection - APP Forest and original vegetation must be preserved: along rivers (varies from 30 to 500 m) 1/3 from the top of hills High slope areas (> 30%) Legal Reserve (LR) Forest area Forest area within a rural property, excluding the Area of Permanent Protection (APP), for sustainable use and conservation purposes (Art. 1º, § 2º III, da MP /2001) Land owners within the Amazon Biome are required to keep 80% of their property as Legal Reserve.
Souza Jr., Land Governance Conference 5 Defining Legal Reserve: Mato Grosso Land Tenure System (SLAPR) SLAPR – Sistema de Licenciamento Ambiental de Propriedades Rurais Rural Property Environmental Licensing System
SLAPR – SIMLAM (Web Access)
Integrated Approach to Monitor and Control Deforestation Monitoring Licensing Field Enforcement Field Enforcement Legal Compliance Detection and identification of illegal deforestation Spatial Analyses Registry and technical analysis Granting licenses and authorizations Field operations Serving violation notices Administrative Civil Criminal Souza Jr., Land Governance Conference
Deforestation Alert System (SAD – Sistema de Alerta de Desmatamento) 145 Julian Day 177 Julian Day 209 Julian Day 241 Julian Day May 24, 2004June 25, 2004 July 27, 2004 August 28, 2004 May 24, 2004 June 09, 2004 June 25, 2004 July 11, 2004 July 27, 2004 August 28, 2004 August 12, 2004 Total area = 3100 ha Deforestation Rate = 30 ha/dia Deforestation Time-Series MODIS Imagery
SAD Sistema de Alerta de Desmatamento Daily image Temporal Composite toto t1t1 Image Endmembers SMA NDFI Forest Change DetectionMonthly Statistics Desmatamento: NDFI <125 Degradação: Desmatamento Anterior Floresta Degradação Florestal Desmatamento % GV% Soil% NPV
Deforestation Bulletin: Forest Transparency Souza Jr., Land Governance Conference
Detecting Illegal Deforestation in Forest Reserves of Mato Grosso with SAD Land Category Area (km²) % Not in SLAPR (A) ¹ SLAPR (B) ¹ Total SLAPR (C = A+B) ² Rural Settlement (D) 69911² Conservation Unit (E) 381² Indigenous Land (F) 841² Total (km²) (G = C+D+E+F) Deforestation at Juruena National Park, MT
Deforesation Detected with SAD in Mato Grosso ( ) Souza Jr., Tenure registration in Mato Grosso. 12 Land Categories and Biomes Aug04- Jul05 Area (km 2 ) Aug05- Jul06 Area (km 2 ) Aug06- Jul07 Area (km 2 ) Aug07- Jul08 Area (km 2 )Total Total Deforestation in the Amazon Biome6,3874,1671,7221,27413,673 Rural Settlements ,160 Indigenous Land State Conservation Unit Federal Conservation Unit32419 SLAPR2,1101, ,245 Outside SLAPR3,1942, ,837 Transitional Forests2,3501, ,769 Total Deforestation8,7376,0862,5122,10719,442
Souza Jr., Tenure registration in Mato Grosso. 13 Monitoring Legal Reserve of Rural Properties Illegal Deforestation in Rural Properties Legal Reserve in Rural Properties Deforestation in Rural Properties
Enforcing Forestry Code Souza Jr., Tenure registration in Mato Grosso. 14 SEMA will enforce land owners responsible for illegal deforestation detected by SAD Mato Grosso State web page.
Strategic Dissemination Souza Jr., Tenure registration in Mato Grosso. 15 Photo: ICV Deforestation Increases in the Rainy Season NGO Confirms Deforetation Increase
Law Enforcement in Protected Areas
Souza Jr., Tenure registration in Mato Grosso. 18 Conclusions Mato Grosso State has the most advanced Land Tenure System in place in the Brazilian Amazon The system can be integrated with satellite imagery to detected illegal deforestation Transparency has increased in the forest sector but law enforcement is still not effective
Acknowledgement David and Lucile Packard Foundation Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Souza Jr., Tenure registration in Mato Grosso. 19