1 FY 2006 Department Overview Presentation Sal Chiarelli, Director of Physical Plant July 19, 2005
2 Physical Plant Department 255 Employees Heat Plant(11) HVAC(16) Controls(5) Plumbing(12) Electric shop(11) CPR Shop(18) Custodial(102) TCO Asbestos/Lead(10) Automotive (3) Medical Complex(13) Recycling Sol. Waste(6) Administration(13) Energy Management(1) Service Ops.(2) Material Management(3) Grounds/Moving(16) Project Management(2) Med. Complex Proj.(6) Trinity(5)
4 Internal Partners (customers) UVM Staff UVM Faculty UVM Administration Students Residential Life Parking and Transportation Police Services Athletics Risk management Campus Planning Architectural/Engineering All other AFS departments.
5 Customer Expectations Be invisible Like a utility I paid already (grants 50%) Varies according to the individual Be right over service Everything is an emergency Sometimes there is little or no planning
6 External Partners Local Utilities, VGS,BED,BPW State Organization APPA,NECERAPPA FAHC City of Burlington Vendors/Suppliers A/E Firms Contractors
7 Some Current Physical Plant Issues Deferred Maintenance Longer hours of operation More events/set ups. (not staffed for this) Research requires less tolerance for down time Energy efficiency Higher than average turnover Limited space for implementing zone maintenance New codes/regulatory requirements eat at the budget. Operating dollar increase is creating a buying power issue Significantly less management of the Physical Plant as a result of cuts.
8 What Else Is Making Our Jobs Challenging More Research facilities Longer hours All spaces open to all people Eating/drinking normal More access to food and drink More utilization of space Everyone wants Air Conditioning There is a general feeling that all services should be free Building are getting older Newer buildings are more sophisticated Limited hiring pool in our area Construction/capital projects eats up PPD resources Limited IT resources in AFS
9 Where do we use technology FAMIS KRONOS Boiler controls Energy Management Card Access Thermography Building Automation Text Paging Cell Phones Predictive Maintenance Gas Purchasing Elevator Controls Water Treatment Metering Invoicing CADD All Typical Office Applications Many other areas
10 How Have We Changed The Department Self Study Increased Communication Increased Visibility Job Order Contracting FAMIS KRONOS NEXTEL Paging Boiler Control System Facilities Assessment
12 The goals for the project are as follows: Capture the relevant historical information Provide new information about customer satisfaction, employee issues, staffing, industry changes and innovations; Identify opportunities for increasing efficiency within the department; Develop priorities that will clarify funding requirements for the department and assist in the budgeting process; Develop an understanding of the external and internal drivers that force choices and changes within the department; Make recommendations for change and innovation for programs and services; Develop a replicable process that also increases the capacity of the staff to undertake similar studies in the future; Identify the consequences of not taking specific action or making sustainable changes; and Improve the department’s morale by creating a participatory process of self-study.
13 How Did We Get Info Focus groups –Faculty –Students –PPD Staff –Colleagues Surveys SWOT History Other Institutions APPA Current Database WO system Wellness Survey PPD Customer Surveys
14 S.W.O.T.’s Strengths (Internal)Weaknesses (Internal)Opportunities (External)Threats (External) Campus Location Customer Service Employee Expertise and Dedication Well-respected work force Knowledgeable leadership Diverse Work Force Team Work Customer Feedback Campus Location Preventive Maintenance Loss of Corporate Knowledge Lack of Centralization Formal Training Program Communication Deferred Maintenance Organizational Structure Performance Measures and Accountability Employee Recognition Morale Inadequate Financial Resources Information Technology (IT) Undefined Priority Management Financial Systems & Tools Bench marking with similar institutions Partnering (Utilities, Services and Purchasing) Creative Financing (Grants, Loans and Bonds) Utilizing Faculty (Staff Development and Technology) Centralization of Similar Campus Services Outsourcing Customer Input Senior (Upper-administrative) Level Direction Change of Customer Expectations Utility Deregulation Outsourcing Insufficient Funding Code Compliance Issues Media (Television, newspaper and radio) Changes (Technology, Environmental and Socioeconomic) Legal Issues (Personnel and Environmental) Changes in Upper-administrative, senior positions Wages and Salaries not competitive Unforeseen expenditures (Personnel and projects) Key Personnel Retiring Institutional Competition Customer Dissatisfaction Utility Cost Fluctuations Common Denominators
15 Strategic Planning Re-evaluate our mission Create our Vision Develop goals Create strategies to reach goals Align with the University
16 Mission To maintain facilities, perform related services and provide responsible stewardship of the University of Vermont’s physical assets in support of the University’s mission.
17 Vision To be a highly effective facilities organization through: –Continuous improvement and innovation –Maximizing resources –Encouraging employee growth and job satisfaction –Promoting the values of UVM’s Common Ground and supporting the needs of the Campus Community
18 Benchmarking/Surveying
19 Outsourcing Of Services ‘01 Data
20 Services Analysis Charts Page 97 SS
21 Physical Plant (Non-Utility) Budget Cuts Over The Years. This equates to approximately 21% of today’s budget YearRescission/Cut TOTAL (06)$3,359,094 Cumulative Total Over The Years. Lost Spending $36,581,000 Today’s Dollars lost Spending Over The Years $59,745,000
22 Some Regulatory/Code Issues That Have Forced Change ADA Elevator Life Safety Carbon Monoxide Historical Preservation Asbestos Abatement Lead Mold/Fungi Pesticide Application Energy Codes Backflow prevention Spill Prevention Underground Storage Tank Asbestos Awareness Bloodborne Pathogens Radiation Safety Personal Equipment Protection ADA FMLA Confined Space Lock-Out Tag-Out Right To Know (Haz Com) Fall Protection Respiratory Protection
23 Some Departmental Licensing/Certifications Back Flow Prevention Electrical Joureyman Electrical Master Electrical Apprentice Plumber Apprentice Plumber Master Plumber Journeyman Natural Gas Certification Air Cond/Refrigeration Fire Alarm T-1 Fire Alarm TQP Professional Engineer Refrigerant Processing Lead Inspector Lead Contractor Entity Asbestos Inspector CDL Driving Fuel Oil Installer Operating Engineer Pesticide Asbestos Project Designer Asbestos Entity Asbestos Project Monitor
24 SOURCES OF FUNDS (2005) SOURCEAMOUNT General Fund21,535 Parking and Transportation365 Residential Life4,235 Bond Money (One Time Dollars)7,875 Departmental Projects1,130
25 Breakdown By Unit (05 Dollars) Shop/UnitAMOUNT (1000) Heat Plant725 HVAC/ Plumbing2,600 Controls CPR Shop1,415 Custodial3,975 Electric895 TCO Asbestos/Lead850 Automotive200 Medical Complex Projects Grants Administration1,400 Energy Management Project Management Service Operations Medical Complex Maintenance 1,350 Recycling Solid Waste600 Material Management100 Grounds management1,700 Utilities/Other11,455 TOTAL$27,265
26 Example of the complexity of 1 units responsibilities. (Hand Out) Grounds Tasks
28 Energy Conservation Pro-active Working with departments Formed a Utility Team More proactive in repairs Working with utilities Real time metering Get message out to students/faculty/staff
30 Some Actions Taken As A Result Of The Study Customer Focus Maintenance specialists Building contact person Road show Mastering the maze Surveys Monthly meetings/visits Building contact info sessions FAMIS
31 Some Communication Improvements Deans/Department Heads Unit meetings Cell phones Getting people out- seminars, training etc Emergency Logs Required Lists ESL Translators Bosnian/Vietnamese Web Site Services Day Lunch Annual report
34 Creating A Team Atmosphere Walk around Show up Discuss issues Support from the top Everyone is important All hands meetings Bring people to shops Dept heads come to meetings
35 All Hands Meeting Everyone attend Presentations of accomplishments Give people a chance to show off Get the message out Part of the big picture Invite guest speakers
36 Sharing Information/Resources More valuable if you share People holding back No interdepartmental sharing of resources Types Prints, specs, databases, vendors Look for best practices
38 Custodial Vendor Managed Inventory University Of Maryland Model Goals –Reduce inventory –Stop complaints –Let custodians/supervisors work –Standardization Solution –Looked for best practice –Vendor managed inventory
39 Business Partners Long term commitments Team approach Responsibility Help us reduce waste Assist with best practices
40 Facilities Standards One of everything on campus No consistency Negative impact on operations costs Not intended to limit design intent Partnering with A/E to create final document (Dartmouth Model)
42 Utilities Master Plan What are the opportunities Tri-generation (electric/steam/chilled water) Own more of our infrastructure Central chilled water plant Capacities Plan the campus Reduce demand Spend less per square foot as the campus grows
43 Facilities Management Software (FAMIS) Space management Work control Capital Projects Key Control Inventory Wireless interface Scheduling
45 Event and Room Scheduling Duplicates Conflicts 1000/1000/1000 Consistency Revisions Scheduled maintenance Block out rooms Hiring new position (PPD Events Coordinator)
50 Project Management Facilities condition audit New project management position Charge projects New project management module Consistency Job Order Contracting
51 Time and Attendance Computerized Free up resources for other use Fair Flexibility Reporting
53 Some Results So Far Accountable Reinvest in department/university Prioritization More proactive less reactive Better trained Less Down Time Participatory Process Highly effective Agile Reduction in emergencies and recurring problems Improved morale (in some areas) /reduce turnover