Muhammad, the Prophet Mecca and Medina on the Arabian Peninsula
Monotheism: Allah (Arabic word for God) Qur’an (Koran): The word of God Five Pillars of Islam Acceptance of Judeo-Christian prophets, including Moses and Jesus Belief in good & evil Individuals responsible for actions in their life
Western Arabia Site of religious pilgrimage
Ancient shrine Center of pilgrimage
Allah – “god” in Arabic Belief in one god
Worked in caravans Became manager for Khadijah and married her
Age 40 Muslims believe that Angel Gabriel said Muhammad was messenger of Allah
People who follow Islam are called Muslims Allah one and only god
Lead to neglect of Arab gods Mecca would lose trade
Migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina (Yathrib) Muhammad left Mecca & settled in Medina
Political & religious Formed single community and converted many to Islam Led military
630-Muhammad and followers marched to Mecca Defeated Mecca in war Most Meccans converted to Islam Muhammad died two years later
To be a Muslim, all believers have to carry out five duties
A declaration of faith that Muslims recite: “There is no god but Allah & Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”
Five times daily Face towards Mecca to pray Mosque – Islamic house of worship
Money for the poor through religious taxes Responsibility to support the less fortunate
Ramadan – holy month of Islam Period where nothing is eaten between sunrise & sunset
Hajj Trip to Mecca at least once in life
No pork or alcohol Friday day of worship Worship god directly (minister not needed) Ulama – religious teachers applying Islam to daily life
Holy book of Islam Muhammad’s revelations collected and written down Written in Arabic
Islamic law from the Qur'an Regulates all aspects of life Required tolerant treatment of Jews & Christians
Abraham – first great prophet, trace ancestry Moses and Jesus– viewed as prophets Muhammad – the final prophet
Diffusion along trade routes from Mecca and Medina Expansion despite great distances, desert environments, and mountain barriers Spread into the Fertile Crescent, Iran, and Central Asia facilitated by weak Byzantine and Persian empires
Write name of Pillar why
On your own paper make a chart with the headings Islam, Christianity, Judaism Compare the three religions using your notes IslamChristianityJudaism
1. Trace your hand. 2. On the palm write Five Pillars of Islam 3. On each finger write a Pillar