Purpose The Pharmacy Technician Program seeks to provide our service area with students that have the technical skills and knowledge base needed to practice in any setting. The Pharmacy Technician Program seeks to provide our service area with students that have the technical skills and knowledge base needed to practice in any setting.
What can this program do for you? Provide you with the technical skills and knowledge needed to practice in a variety of pharmacy settings. Provide you with the technical skills and knowledge needed to practice in a variety of pharmacy settings. Prepare you to pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board.
What is a Pharmacy Technician? A healthcare professional with a wide range of skills and knowledge. A healthcare professional with a wide range of skills and knowledge.
What is a Pharmacy Technician? A professional who is accountable to the pharmacist for quality and accuracy. A professional who is accountable to the pharmacist for quality and accuracy.
What is a Pharmacy Technician? An individual who assists pharmacists with technical and non-technical tasks. An individual who assists pharmacists with technical and non-technical tasks.
The pharmacy profession is experiencing severe shortages of trained staff locally and nationwide. The pharmacy profession is experiencing severe shortages of trained staff locally and nationwide.
Opportunities For Pharmacy Technicians Currently, there are more opportunities for Pharmacy Technicians than Pharmacists Currently, there are more opportunities for Pharmacy Technicians than Pharmacists.
Technicians who complete a diploma program and are certified are in great demand. Technicians who complete a diploma program and are certified are in great demand.
Workplaces for Pharmacy Technicians Retail Pharmacies – independent/chain Retail Pharmacies – independent/chain Hospitals –general / specialized Hospitals –general / specialized Call Centers Call Centers Mail Order Filling Facilities Mail Order Filling Facilities Manufacturing facilities Manufacturing facilities Infusion services Infusion services Drug wholesale companies Drug wholesale companies Insurance companies Insurance companies Long-term care facilities Long-term care facilities Repackaging Firms Repackaging Firms
Retail Pharmacy Tasks include: Tasks include: Entering, Filling, Labeling and Recording prescriptions Entering, Filling, Labeling and Recording prescriptions Compounding prescriptions Compounding prescriptions Managing inventory Managing inventory Maintaining patient records and profiles Maintaining patient records and profiles Billing third party plans for pharmacy services Billing third party plans for pharmacy services
Hospital Pharmacy Tasks include: Tasks include: Entering, Filling, Labeling and Recording prescriptions Entering, Filling, Labeling and Recording prescriptions Compounding prescriptions Compounding prescriptions Managing inventory Managing inventory Maintaining patient records and profiles Maintaining patient records and profiles Preparing IVs and other sterile products Preparing IVs and other sterile products Drug information Drug information
Mail Order / Long term care / Infusion services All provide specialized services to patients Long term care – fill prescriptions for patients in facilities. Long term care – fill prescriptions for patients in facilities. Infusion services – provide IV products to patients in the community setting. Infusion services – provide IV products to patients in the community setting. Mail Order – fill prescriptions to be mailed to customers Mail Order – fill prescriptions to be mailed to customers
Repackaging Firms Federal Law now requires that all medications administered in institutions be scanned at the bedside. Packaging Firms prepare dosages for scanning.
Call Centers and Insurance Companies Tasks include: Tasks include: Handling the majority of prescription processing for insurance companies Handling the majority of prescription processing for insurance companies May be responsible for criteria based drug utilization review May be responsible for criteria based drug utilization review Work for an insurance companies and process medical claims Work for an insurance companies and process medical claims
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities Tasks include: Tasks include: Any technical function in drug manufacturing. Any technical function in drug manufacturing. Management of other technicians Management of other technicians Quality assurance Quality assurance
Drug Wholesalers Tasks include: Tasks include: Inventory management Inventory management Packaging and shipping of pharmaceuticals Packaging and shipping of pharmaceuticals Management of other technicians Management of other technicians Quality Assurance Quality Assurance
A look into the future… New requirements.? New requirements.? Completion of accredited program 1 Completion of accredited program 1 Continuing Education more defined 2 Continuing Education more defined 2 Specific clinical or hands on experiential hours 2 Specific clinical or hands on experiential hours 2 Advanced CPhT with tiered responsibilities 2 Advanced CPhT with tiered responsibilities 2 Specialization of pharmacy technician jobs 3 : Vaccines Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Nuclear Pharmacy 1. NABP Recommendations 2. PTCB C.R.E.S.T. Summit Innovating the Pharmacy Technician’s Role.
Expected Salaries 1 1. ASHP. “Expected Salaries”