Surface Reconstruction Using RBF Reporter : Lincong Fang
Surface Reconstruction sample Reconstruction
Surface Reconstruction Delaunay/Voronoi –Alpha shape/Conformal alpha shape –Crust/Power crust –Cocone –Etc. Implicit surfaces –Signed distance function –Radial basis function(RBF) –Poisson –Fourier –MPU –Etc.
Implicit Surface Defined by implicit function –Such as Many topics within broad area of implicit surfaces
Implicit Surface Mesh independent representation - generate the desired mesh when you require it Compact representation to within any desired precision A solid model is guaranteed to produce manifold (manufacturable) surface
Implicit surface Tangent planes and normals can be determined analytically from the gradient of the implicit function
Implicit surface CSG operation
Implicit surface Morphing
Implicit surface reconstruction ReconstructionIso-surfaceReconstruction
Introduction to RBF Interpolation problem
Introduction to RBF J.Duchon. Splines minimizing rotation-invariant semi-norms in Sololev spaces. In W. Schempp and K.Zeller, editors, Constructive Theory of Functions of Several Variables, number 571 in Lecture Notes in Mathematics, pages , Berlin, Springer-Verlag.
Introduction to RBF An RBF is a weighted sum of translations of a radially symmetric basic function augmented by a polynomial term
Introduction to RBF Popular choices for include For fitting functions of three variables, good choices include
Introduction to RBF Matrix form
Introduction to RBF Matrix form
Reconstruction and representation of 3D objects with Radial Basis functions –J.C.Carr 1,2, R.K.Beatson 2, J.B.Cherrie 1, T.J.Mitchell 1,2 –W.R.Fright 1, B.C.McCallum 1, T.R.Evans 1 –1. Applied Research Associates NZ Ltd –2. University of Canterbury, New Zealand –Sig 2001
Off-surface Points
RBF Center Reduction
Greedy Algorithm Choose a subset from the interpolation nodes x i and fit an RBF only to these. Evaluate the residual, e i = f i – f(x i ), at all nodes. If max{e i } < fitting accuracy then stop. Else append new centers where e i is large. Re-fit RBF and goto 2
points, centers, accuracy of 5*10 -4
Hole Filled & Non-uniformly
Interpolating implicit surfaces from scattered surface data using compactly supported radial basis functions –Bryan S. Morse 1, Terry S. Yoo 2, Penny Rheingans 3, –David T.Chen 2, K.R. Subramanian 4 –1. Department of CS, Brigham Young University –2. National Library of Medicine –3. Department of CS and EE, University of Maryland Baltimore County –4. Department of CS, University of North Carolina at Charlotte –Proceeding of the International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2001
Compactly-supported RBF H. Wendland. Piecewise polynomial, positive definite and compactly supported radial functions of minimal degree. AICM, 4: , 1995
Matrix Form
Choice of Support Size
Compactly supported basic functions is much more efficient. Non-compactly supported basic functions are better suited to extrapolation and interpolation of irregular, non- uniformly sampled data.
Modeling with implicit surfaces that interpolate –Greg Turk GVU Center, College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology –James F.O’Brien EECS, Computer Science Division University of California, Berkeley
Interior Constraints
Matrix Form
Exterior Constraints
Normal Constraints
Example Polygonal surface The interpolating implicit surface defined by the 800 vertices and their normals
A Multi-scale Approach to 3D Scattered Data Interpolation with Compactly Supported Basis Functions –Yutaka Ohtake, Alexandaer Belyaev, Hans-Peter Seidel –Computer Graphics Group, Max-Planck-Institute for informatics –Germany –Proceedings of the Shape Modeling International 2003
Construct RBF
Single level Interpolation 35K points 6 seconds
Multi-level Interpolation
Coarse to Fine
3D Scattered Data Approximation with Adaptive Compactly Supported Radial Basis Functions –Yutaka Ohtake, Alexandaer Belyaev, Hans-Peter Seidel –Computer Graphics Group, Max-Planck-Institute for informatics –Germany –Proceedings of the Shape Modeling International 2004
Construct RBF Base approximationLocal details
Adaptive PUNormalized RBF
Selection of Centers
Compare With Multi-scale
Reconstructing Surfaces Using Anisotropic Basis Functions –Huong quynh Dinh, Greg Turk Georgia Institute of Technology College of Computing –Greg Slabaugh Georgia Institute of Technology Scholl of Electrical and Computer Engineering Center for Signal and Image Processing –Computer Vision, Vol 2, 2001, p
Basic Function
Direction of Anisotropy Covariance matrix –Corner point : all three eigenvalues are nearly equal –Edge point : one strong eigenvalue –Plane point : two eigenvalues are nearly equal and larger than the third
Thank you !!!