Differentiated Instruction Presenter: Ilene Cloughley/ Supervisor of Special Services PK-6
Article Review Protocol What are 3 things you learned ? What are 2 things you found interesting? What is 1 question you still have? Read article independently Take notes on questions above Discuss in groups of three Create a visual to represent your answers
Differentiated Instruction
Learner Objectives Become familiar with vocabulary related to differentiated instruction. Understand basic principles of differentiating content, process, and product in an academically diverse classroom. Be able to implement one or more instructional strategies that support differentiation.
Students come to us with a variety of:
The biggest mistake of past centuries in teaching has been to treat all children as if they were variants of the same individual and thus to feel justified in teaching them all the same subjects in the same way. -Howard Gardner
Let’s take a look at the instructional strategies we typically use in our classrooms and see how they effect our students’ memory retention rates
Effective Instructional Strategies Practice by doing Demonstration Teach another Audio visuals Discussion Reading Lecture Rank the strategies from least effective to most effective. Least Effective Most Effective
Effective Instructional Strategies Practice by doing Demonstration Teach another Audio visuals Discussion Reading Lecture Rank the strategies from least effective to most effective. Least Effective Most Effective
Effective Instructional Strategies Lecture Reading Audio Visuals Demonstration Discussion Practice by doing Teach Others Practice by doing Demonstration Teach another Audio visuals Discussion Reading Lecture Least Effective Most Effective
So now you have a classroom of diverse learners… and you know that some of our past teaching strategies are not going to be effective with them…So, the million dollar question is How do you successfully meet the needs of the diverse learners in your classroom?
Differentiating Instruction
Differentiated Instruction is: A set of unique decisions the educator makes to bring learning within the grasp of all students – On level – Below level – Above level
Ways to Differentiated a Classroom
Ways to Differentiate What is taught How it is taught How learning is assessed
Video Sample Video 1- Content Process Product Review Video 2-Pre-K/K Number Sense – Learning Styles
Low Prep vs. High Prep LOW PREP -Homework Options -Tiered Products -Think Pair Share -Anchor Activities -Multiple levels of questioning (Bloom’s) HIGH PREP Tiered Lessons Think Tac Toe Make a 10 Graphic Organizers Exit Cards RAFT Literature Circles Content Menus
Anchor Activities Provide meaningful work for students when they finish an assignment. When they first enter the room and are unsure as to what they should be doing When they are stumped and are waiting for your assistance
Sample Anchor Activities Accelerated Reader Math Facts in a Flash Vocabulary work Journals Test prep activities Spelling practice Get in Shape Literature packets
Exit Cards Used to gather information on student readiness levels, interest levels, or learning profiles. They can also be used as quick assessments. Once completed, the teacher reviews and separates the cards into future instructional or interest groups.
Exit Card Summarizer After reading over my rough draft… 3 revisions I can make to improve my draft - 2 resources I can use to help improve my draft - 1 thing I really like about my first draft -
Happy as a clam is an example of a: Simile Metaphor Explain the difference between a simile and a metaphor. Provide 2 examples of each. Differentiated by readiness
Tiered Assignment for “The Wolf’s Stew” – Students will sequence events using tiered assignment Story segments are color coded Story segments are chunked in larger segments Select segments are numbered Activity-Readiness
Activity – Choice/Readiness Menus-Readiness RAFT-Choice Perfect 10-Readiness/Choice
Think Tac Toe Complete a character analysis for the main character of your story Complete a character report card Name and draw a person who is like the character from the book Build a miniature stage setting for your story Draw a picture describing at least 3 settings for your story Make up a limerick about the setting of your story Use a sequence chart or timeline to describe at least 7 important events from your story Write a new beginning or ending to your story Make a game board about your story including key events (in order) Think Tac Toe boards give a student choice in how they demonstrate their understanding of a given topic. Activities may also be assigned by readiness.
Cubing A cube consists of 6 commands-one on each of it’s 6 faces- prompting the student on directions for how to complete a specific task. – Readiness – Interest level
3 things you learned 2 ideas you would like to further investigate 1 idea you will try in your classroom Exit Card